Reception Blog
Welcome to the Reception Blog!
Every Friday we will be uploading a weekly overview of what we have learnt, and any exciting news we want to share with you.
21st March
This week we have been creating some beautiful, realistic clay elephants. The children spent a session with their buddies looking through books to find pictures of elephants and had a go at drawing them. Then we watched an instructional video of how to sculpt clay into an elephant using just two balls of clay. The children paid careful attention to detail and did a fantastic job! Next week we will be sending them home once they are dry.
In maths, we have been learning about ways to make 6. We reminded ourselves of the double fact - double 3 is 6 and used resources to make 6 such as 5 and 1, 2 and 4, 3 and 3.
In literacy this week, children have been authors! They have been writing their innovated stories - The baby frog or The baby toucan. They have all been so focussed and taking their time to say their sentence, counting the sounds and writing the words using sound mats and vocab sheets to help.
Reminders -
School trip letters went home today!
Please do not send children to school with sunglasses, unless these are prescription. They are not allowed to wear them in school. A sun hat and suncream is fine.
Walk and cycle to school week!
Thursday 27th Danceathon
Best wishes,
The Reception Team
13th March
Science week!
The children have had fun sessions this week exploring some different science experiments. We have talked about the word 'prediction' and made predictions before carrying out each experiment. On Monday, we met with our buddies and had to think of the fastest way to get an item out of a ball of ice. The children tried using hot water, wrapping them in different materials and also smashing the ice! This seemed to be the most popular method. We spent our Forest School session looking at seasonal changes that have been happening around our school grounds and saw buds on trees, new branches forming on brambles and also daffodils growing. The children set up an experiment where gummy bears were placed in water and lemonade and we have been watching what will happen, many of the children predicted that they might change colour, explore or get bigger. We also created a rainbow using skittles and warm water, the children waited patiently as the colour gradually ran from the skittles into the middle of the plate.
Reminders -
Class photos on Monday 17th March in the morning.
Red nose day on Friday 21st March - wear something red.
Best wishes,
The Reception Team
6th March
We have been enjoying the lovely weather this week and spent lots of time in the Reception Garden. Mrs Baker has been working hard with the children to plant some more daffodils in pots and the Bug Hotel. Thank you to B&Q Bushy for the kind donation. If anybody has any large outdoor pots they would like to donate, we would be grateful to receive them.
In Talk for Writing, we have been learning to retell The Baby Mouse by using pictures in a story map. You could practise this at home to become even more confident.
We have continued our work on ‘doubles’ in Maths and have also been sorting objects into groups based on our own criteria i.e. colour or shape. The children have become confident with this and we have talked about the different ways we
The children have also been interested to learn about deforestation and reasons why this has been happening in the Amazon Rainforest. We have been creating our own Rainforest artwork to decorate our classroom with.
Next week we will be having Forest Schools on Tuesday and will be celebrating Science Week with activities each day.
Enjoy the lovely weather whilst we have it, and best wishes,
The Reception Team
14th February
Thank you to everyone who was able to come back to school for bedtime stories, it was so nice to see so many faces and for you to get the chance to experience one of our Jupiter Book week activities.
We have been busy reading different stories each day to the children and carrying out activities linked to the text, we have made a parade of colourful Elma's, mixed Gruffalo porridge, drawn Julia Donaldson characters for a book art display and also thought about finding a stick and using our imagination to turn it into something extraordinary!
In maths, we have focussed on making 6 and 7. We have explored different ways to represent these numbers such as writing them, drawing dots or using counters and found pairs of numbers that add together to make these amounts. Over the half term, you can help consolidate their learning by doing this with the numbers from 2 - 7.
Our next topic will be all about animals, learning about their habitats and also endangered animals. We will be having a special visitor and also planning a topic day where children can come to school dressed up. Dates for this will be confirmed and sent out soon, but you are welcome to get prepared with an outfit - this could be an animal, a vet outfit, safari clothes or a zoo keeper.
We hope you have a lovely half term, please use the phonics videos to revisit special friends and you can use the Oxford Owl online library to read some ditty or red books.
Best wishes
The Reception Team
7th February
This week, the children took part in some activities around Children's mental health week. We watched some of the short film - The boy, the mole, the fox and the horse and then spoke about how each of the characters acted. The children spent some time with their buddies in the afternoon and drew some of the characters and also spoke about animals that made them feel safe, calm and happy.
In literacy, the children had a go at writing some sentences from our class innovated text - The sleepy bee or The sleepy moth. As we move into Spring 2 and Summer term we will be increasing the writing opportunities for the children to help get them ready for Year 1. We will focus on writing short captions and building a piece of writing over a week to create a story.
Number day outfits were fantastic. We enjoyed reading the story 'How big is a million' and in the afternoon, the children used shapes to create some penguin artwork linking to the Number day book.
Reminders -
Pyjamas on Wednesday.
Book character costume on Friday.
Best wishes,
The Reception Team
31st January
Well, we have finally made it to the end of January! This week, we were extremely fortunate to have a visit from a local bee keeper, Mrs Gilmore. She has visited our school before and on Tuesday, she spent time in both Reception classrooms talking to the children about her hobby bee keeping and talking about her hives. Mrs Gilmore had photos to share as well as items for the children to look at and touch such as her bee keeping hat, a bee brush, the bee smoker and even some of her honey. The children have been learning lots about different kinds of bees but are so knowledgeable about honey bees and could share what they already know with Mrs Gilmore. After her visit, the children spent some time writing some facts and we have created a beautiful bee hive and display in school to show off our learning. You will all be able to see this next term when we have parent's evening.
Feburary 7th - Number day - wear something with a number on, or perhaps Numberblocks or even a top with pictures or spots on that we could count.
Wednesday 12th - Wear your pyjamas to school. 4-5pm Bedtime stories.
Friday 14th - Dress up as a book character.
Best wishes,
The Reception Team
24th January
We were so impressed with the instruments that you made at home, it was great to spend the time listening to the children talk about their instruments and show them to their peers. We will be using these in our music lessons as we learn about rhythm and dynamics.
The children put on puddle suits and welly boots as we went outside for our Forest School Session to look for the perfect home for solitary bumble bees. We didn't find any bees hidden away but we did find slugs, worms and woodlice. We are looking forward to spotting the changes in our Forest School area as the weather warms up and Spring approaches.
In maths, we have been exploring the composition of numbers 6 and 7. We have been finding different ways to represent 6 and 7 using counters and recognising them as 5 and 1 more or 5 and 2 more.
Best wishes,
The Reception Team
Please find new links to our phonics videos, at this stage in the year children should be learning special friends, these are two letters that go together to make one sound. We want children to be able to spot these in words and read CCVC or CVCC words i.e. shop or dish.
Set 1 word time
Special friends
sh -
qu -
th -
ng -
ch -
nk -
ck -
17th January
The children were very excited to find a swarm of bees and a bee hive arrived in our Reception corridor. This week we have been scientists to find out facts about bees including types of bees, where they live and information about honeybees. See if they can tell you the different bees found in a hive?
In maths, we have been thinking about the composition of 5 including 3 and 2 & 4 and 1. We have then moved onto making 6 and 7 using the phrases '5 and 1 more & 5 and 2 more.'
On Friday, we have a very exciting assembly to celebrate the fantastic work the children have been doing across the school with their times tables - something our children will do when they move into Year 2! We are looking forward to a rock band performance!
Monday 20th - Bring in your musical instrument
Tuesday 21st - Outdoor learning
Best wishes,
The Reception Team
10th January
Welcome back! We hope you all had a lovely few weeks spending time with family. It has been nice to see all of the children and get settled back into routines. The children now know their house teams and have been working hard to earn House value tokens! The tokens are given out to those children who show behaviour in line with our school values which are 'Respect', 'Kindness', 'Resilience', 'Curiosity', 'Responsibility' and 'Aspiration'. As part of our new topic - Bees, nature's tiny miracles - the children made their own bees as part of our school hive. The weather has been very cold, please ensure children are sent to school with appropriate cold weather clothing.
Have a nice weekend.
Best wishes,
The Reception Team
19th December
What a fun final week to end our first term in Reception at Jupiter. The children have already shown so much growth and development since September and it is so nice to see their full personalities develop.
We have been busy with Christmas crafts and look forward to sharing these with you.
End of term - Friday 20th at 1:00pm
Have a lovely rest and time with your families.
Best wishes,
The Reception Team
13th December
Thank you to those parents and family members who were able to come and support our nativity performances. The children were very brave to stand and perform in front of the school and such a big audience. Well done!
In Maths, we have been working on counting or drawing a corresponding amount of objects to a given number and creating festive pictures following instructions.
It was nice to see so many of you attend the Christmas fair, if you would like to buy your child’s art work, this is still available for a gold coin donation at the end of the day from the classroom. The children have a great time on Christmas jumper day and enjoyed their Christmas lunch.
Please do read previous blog posts to look for the links to phonics videos and specific sound videos that you can use over the holidays, some specific emails will be sent out next week in regards to how to support your child at home over the two weeks.
We look forward to seeing you next Tuesday at 2:30 for carols on the Muga - we will be dismissing the children from the Muga and they will be leaving book bags and water bottles in school.
Remeber - school finishes next week on Friday 20th at 1:00pm.
Have a nice weekend, best wishes
The Reception Team
6th December 2024
We have been creating our own version of 'The Gingerbread Man' this week and have drawn out our own story maps. It has been amazing to hear the children tell the story of 'The Pizza Man' and 'The Chip Man'.
It would be great to use the story maps at home and ask your child to tell you the stories we have learnt.
We have also been busy practising our Nativity performance. We can’t wait to share it with you next week! The performances are on Tuesday and Wednesday, please remember that it is limited to 2 people per performance. Thank you.
Please could we ask that any emails or letters sent home are not shared across WhatsApp class groups. Some communication is specific to year groups and therefore has not been sent to certain families intentionally. Sharing an email that may have sent specifically for a sibling has caused some confusion.
Thank you for your support and best wishes.
The Reception Team
28th November 2024
This week we have begun innovating our class story and changed the main characters. Rabbit class is telling the story of 'Chip man' and Hedgehog class is telling ‘Gingerbread fox’. Next week, we will create a five sentence story with our new characters and the children will have a go at drawing their own story map and writing some of the characters.
In phonics, we are continuing to work on blending words by sounding them out and then reading the whole word. Below are some links to support blending at home.
Learning to blend:
6 -
7 -
8 -
9 -
10 -
We are also teaching special friends, these are two letters that go together to make one sound such as - sh, th, ch, qu, ng, nk, ck. You can use these videos at home to understand how we introduce and teach special friends.
sh -
th -
ch -
qu -
ng -
nk -
ck -
We have started to learn our nativity! Hopefully you have all had an email regarding costumes and one will follow shortly regarding tickets to the performances. We will be singing - Little Donkey, Away in a manger, It was on a starry night and We wish you a merry Christmas. If you want to help at home, you can play these songs when you drive to and from school or around the house.
Remember, school is closed on Monday 2nd December.
Best wishes
The Early Years Team
21st November 2024
This week we read the story ‘The Gingerbread Man’. In class, we drew pictures to represent the parts in the story and we call this a text map. Next week, we will be innovating the text and changing some of the main characters. See if you can use the picture below to tell the story at home.
In maths, we explored sharing and creating equal groups. We had to share out food at a teddy picnic and ensure each teddy had the same amount of items. We also made some repeating patterns using objects in our classrooms such as counters. See if you can make a repeating pattern at home, you could use your toys or even food items on your plate at dinner time.
The children have been learning about their senses and went on a walk in our Forest school area. As we were walking we thought about what we could see, hear, smell, touch or taste. We then created posters for each of our senses and put pictures to match.
Remember next week we are only in school for four days. School is shut on Friday 29th.
Best wishes
The Early Years Team
14th November 2024
This week we found out what happened to the gingerbread men! Mr Murray sent us a video, the video showed the gingerbread escaping from the oven! We think the syrup we added must have had some magic inside! We have been creating wanted posters and looking for clues such as pieces of icing or crumbs, as we want to find out where the gingerbread men went.
In our theme lesson we spoke about our favourite things such as favourite places, favourite lessons, favourite colours and favourite food. The children have drawn pictures and spoken to the adults about their drawings.
We continue to teach phonics every day, the video links from earlier blog posts should still work so please continue to watch these with your children.
On Monday, we spoke about why we were wearing odd socks and talked about how important it is to be kind with our words and our actions and to be respectful of those around us. On Friday, we will discuss children in need and how the money we raise will help so many people.
Reminders -
Monday 18th - 2:30pm Phonics talk in the lodge
Monday 18th - Please send your child in clothing for Forest School
Tuesday 19th - School photos
8th November 2024
The children have come back to school so well and it has been lovely to see them get straight back into routine. We have started our new Talk for Writing text; The Gingerbread Man. We made some biscuits in class, but when we went to take out our Gingerbread Men, they had gone! We are still not sure what happened! Hopefully we will find out next week.
Our Maths focus has been on accurate counting and using lots of counting songs. We learnt '5 Little Peas' and have also sung '5 Little Men in a Flying Saucer' and '5 Little Ducks'. We spoke about the importance of counting slowly and accurately, saying one numer for each object and stopping when we reach the end.
We have started our plans for Remembrance Day on Monday, making our own Popy Wreath as a sign of respect for all of those who have lost their lives. We will be observing a 2 minute silence in school.
Oxford Owl online library
At Jupiter, we pay for the Oxford Owl online library. You can access this at home using the link and passwords.
Username: jpshedgehogs - Password: passwordh
Username: jpsrabbits - Password: passwordr
When you are logged in, click on the free Read Write Inc ebooks resources and at this stage, the Sound Blending books are great and then you can even try out the Ditty books.
If you are going to any Firework displays, please wrap up warm and keep safe. We look forward to seeing you all next week.
Best wishes
The Early Years Team
23rd October 2024
We have had a wonderful first half term and start to the school year here at Jupiter. It has been wonderful to see how the children have settled and already adapted to Reception.
Below are the links to five sounds we have taught this week, now we have learnt all of the Set 1 single sounds. When we come back after half term, children will be in specific phonics groups and will be revisiting some sounds and beginning to read sound books.
v -
w -
y –
z -
x -
The children enjoyed their first Forest School session and got to meet Lupus, the leader of our wolf pack. We went on a walk around our school grounds and got to explore our Forest School area before making some leaf dens and homes for hedgehogs.
In maths, we have been using the words ‘more than’ or ‘fewer than’ to compare amounts. Sometimes we can instantly see who has more or fewer than the other person, but sometimes we have to count! You can have a go at home using the sentences ‘I have more than you’ , ‘I have fewer than you’, ‘You have more than me’ and ‘You have fewer than me’. Perhaps talk about this when you are eating dinner, who has more peas?
We look forward to seeing all of the amazing outfits on Friday for Times Table Rockstars Day!
Have a wonderful half term.
We will see you back in School on Monday 4th November. Please do check Mrs Armstrong’s newsletter and the calendar for dates as we have a very busy next half term, including lots of non-uniform days.
Best wishes,
The Reception Team
18th October 2024
It was so nice to see lots of you are parent's evening this week, you should all be really proud of your children and how well they have taken to life at Jupiter.
Both classes went on a nature walk. We were making observations about the trees and the changes that we can see due to the season. The children were thinking of questions that we will answer next week such as "Why do some leaves stay green?" , "How old are the trees?" and "What is the name of the tree?". The children have been drawing and painting pictures of pumpkins and squash and closely looking at what they can see on the inside. We also made a potion tuff tray and the children were scooping, pouring and using pipettes.
In Maths, we have been subitising to 4! We are looking at pictures of items up to 4 and also images of dots in different representations. The children have to quickly show us on their fingers how many they can see and also say the number. We have been exploring different representations of 4.
This week we have taught five more sounds and are now blending with the sounds we know. We use letters and boards to make words and read them! We have sent home flashcards, you can cut these up and use them in the same way at home. We have attached links to the individual sounds and blending videos so you can see what we do in school.
e -
l -
h -
r -
j -
Learning to blend at home
1 -
2 -
3 -
Below is a link to a Set 1 homework booklet, if you require a printed copy, please just let us know.
Friday 25th October is Rockstar day - dress up as a rockstar.
Friday 25th October Buddy assembly 9:00
Friday 25th October end of Autumn 1
Best wishes,
The Reception Team
11th October 2024
This week we have learnt another 5 new sounds. The ‘c’ and ‘k’ make the same phoneme but we spoke about how they are used for different spellings. The children have tried hard with some challenging letter formations this week.
c -
k -
u -
b -
f -
Our Talk for Writing text this week has been ‘The Enormous Turnip’. We have enjoyed listening to the story and created the 5 sentence story map.
In Maths this week, we have been learning the composition of numbers; what they are made from. We talked about how 3 is 1 and another 1 and another 1. We also found different ways to make an amount using our fingers or counting objects. Some children used the Numicon resources and cubes in the Tough Trays outside.
During the afternoons, we have been drawing pictures of who lives in our home and talking about special people in our families. We have also been playing team games such as passing pompoms on spoons or building cork towers.
We hope you all have a lovely weekend and we will see you next week. Remember, we have Parents Evening on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Best wishes,
The Reception Team
4th October 2024
This week we have learnt five new sounds. We have been working on drawing lines down the paper to help with our letter formation as we often have to start at the top and draw a line down, for example - ‘down the tower’, ‘down the insect’ or ‘down the pirate’. Please watch the videos and support your child to form the letters at home by having a go at writing them.
i -
n -
p -
g -
o -
In literacy we told the story ‘The Little Red Hen’ and used our story map to turn it into a five sentence story. The children came up with actions to help them remember the words as they said them.
In maths, we have been helping teach ‘Counting Bear’ the correct way to count as he often makes mistakes. We know we need to say the numbers in the correct order, touch or move each object only once and remember to stop. We have also been clapping and playing the drum to show that we can also count sounds and not just objects.
On Friday, we got to meet our Year 6 Buddies. The children have been paired up with a child in Year 6 to act as their mentor/buddy for their first year at Jupiter. In a few weeks, there will be an assembly where the children will introduce themselves and you are invited.
Best wishes
The Reception Team
27th September 2024
What a wonderful end to our week, it was nice to have so many of you be able to join us for lunch today. We hope you enjoyed it!
This week we have begun teaching phonics, the children learn a sound a day and now we know five sounds, we can begin to blend! I have attached the links to each sound and also a blending video. Please sit with your children and watch these at home so you know how we teach phonics in school and you child can have another go at writing the sounds at home.
m -
a -
s -
d -
t -
Blending -
In maths we are subitising - this is where we instantly spot a pattern of 1, 2 or 3 and say the corresponding number to the amount. We have been calling out different amounts of 1, 2 or 3 and getting the children to show us that many with their fingers or make the amount with counters.
Our topic is 'All about me' and the children have been discussing what makes them special and unique and discussing how we look. The children painted self portraits and these are now on display in the classrooms. Take a look at the photos below to see their fantastic work!
Best wishes
The Reception Team
20th September 2024
This week the adults have completed the baseline assessments with all of the children.
Next week, we will begin teaching our phonics sessions where we teach a sound a day. In the blog post next week, we will include video links so you can watch these at home with your children and have a go at saying and writing the sounds.
Below are some video links to our 'Fred' games. We watch these daily in school and Fred is helping us to learn to read. It is important that children can hear the sounds in a word and blend it back together. You can play Fred games at home, in the car, out shopping or in the park!
Our Talk for Writing text this week was Goldilocks, each class learnt the story and retold it with actions following the five sentence story plan. Please see the story map below and see if your child can remember it!
The children have enjoyed spending time outside while we still have the nice weather. We have been setting up different equipment in our Early Years garden such as climbing equipment and have been impressed with how well the children line up and patiently wait their turn. We have all enjoyed using the parachute to play some parachute games with our friends too!
At home, it would be helpful if you could encourage your children to dress and undress themselves. Specifically having a go at taking off jumpers and tops and trying to undo buttons.
Have a lovely weekend.
Best wishes
The Reception Team - Mr Brown and Miss Gillingham
13th September 2024
We have had a busy first full week back at school. The children have been getting to know routines and have spoken about classroom rules. It has been lovely getting to know all of the children and watching them interact with their new friends. The children have had a go at writing their names and we will continue to practise this. Everybody had a fun first P.E session and did a great job getting changed, please remember to name all items of clothing.
Each week this half term, we are learning to tell a story. In Hedgehogs, they have been learning 'The Three Little Pigs' and in Rabbit class they told 'Billy Goats Gruff'. In Reception, we often learn to tell a 'Five sentence story' using the sentence starters - Once upon a time.... Early one morning... Unfortunately..... Luckily.... Finally... . Look at the images of the story maps below and listen to your child retell their class story.
Have a lovely weekend.
Best wishes
The Reception Team - Mr Brown and Miss Gillingham
7th September 2024
Welcome to all of our families! The children have settled very well and it has been lovely spending time with each and every one of them over the last few days. It has been great to see how confident and settled the children are already. Myself and Mr Brown and all of the Reception team and feeling very proud.
Some of the children have been sharing their news from the Summer which has been lovely. The have stood up and spoken about their items or what they got up to.
Please remember that the children need a named water bottle in school which can only have water in. Please also name any items of clothing!
Next Wednesday (11th September) at 3pm, after dismissing the children, we are hosting a 'Meet the Teacher' session where you can pop in and say 'Hello'. We will be sending out a Reception Newsletter with key information, dates and reminders soon.
Thank you for your support and we look forward to communicating with you all throughout the year.
Best wishes
The Reception - Mr Brown and Miss Gillingham