

Jupiter is part of Danes Educational Trust. Policies are written by the Trust or the School. If you require a paper copy of any policies, please contact the School office

Danes Educational Trust Policies

To access the following Trust policies, please follow this link to the DET public policy page.

Anti-fraud and corruption policy

Charging & remissions policy

Complaints policy

Data protection including biometrics policy

Data retention policy

Drug, alcohol and substance misuse policy

Freedom of information publication scheme

Lettings policy

Looked after children policy

Modern slavery statement

Parent code of conduct

Privacy notices

Remote learning policy

Staff code of conduct

Staff whistleblowing policy

Suspensions, exclusions and appeals policy


Jupiter Primary School Policies

Accessibility policy

Anti bullying policy

Attendance policy

Behaviour policy

Equality policy

First aid and administrations of medicine policy

Health and safety policy

Home school agreement

Intimate care policy

Child protection and safeguarding policy

Online safety policy

Parent code of conduct

Relationships and sex education policy

Uniform policy