
Year 1 Blog

Monday 3rd - Friday 7th March 2025

What a busy week we have had! A school trip, parents evening and lot’s of reading and writing.

On Wednesday we visited Bracknell discovery centre and it was amazing! All of the children were so involved in all the activities and had a great time exploring all of the science experiments and resources there. Some children decided they wanted to have a look from the top of the ‘lookout’ tower and were very brave as it was VERY high! At the end of the day the children got to play in the adventure playground where they enjoyed climbing frames, log swings and an awesome pirate ship.

In literacy we have been learning about expanded noun phrases in our journey story ‘handa’s surprise’. 

Some examples from our text are:

  • Sweet smelling guava

  • Spiky leaved pineapple

  • Red, ripe mango

  • Soft yellow banana 

In Maths we have been looking at our number bonds to 20 and using these to help us subtract. We have used counting bears, spots and number lines to support our learning.

 Can you have a go at these sums?

We know that 16 + 4 = 20 

So can we use our numbers bonds to 20 to help us workout 

20 - 16 = ?


  • PE kits need to be named!

  • Blue folders just be returned EVERY Monday 

Year 1 team :)


24th - 28th February 2025

Our first week back has been wet but super! The damp weather has not stopped our fab learning and fun! 

In literacy we have started to look at a new journey story ‘Handa’s surprise’. We have been practicing our adjectives describing different animals and fruits. We even got to try some mango, plum, lemon and orange. We used our senses to see what we could feel, see, taste and smell. 

In maths we have been learning our number bonds to 20 and practicing our adding up.                                         

We are going to learn these from memory to support our maths learning and counting skills!


In science this term we are looking at signs of spring. This week we focused on these questions; 

  • What season are we in now? What season comes next? Explain that Spring starts on 20th March 2025. 

  • What changes do you expect to see on our tree during Spring?

  • What signs of spring can you see when you are outside?


In history we are still learning about toys from the past and how these differentiate to the modern day and what toys we now play with.



  • Our school trip is Wednesday 5th March 2025. Children will also need a healthy packed lunch and water bottle for the day  preferably in a backpack. 

  • PE kits need to be named!

  • Blue folders just be returned EVERY Monday 

Year 1 team :)



It is a very busy and exciting week this week with our book fair arriving, pyjama day and book day dress up on Friday! We are excited to see your costumes and hear about your favourite book!

In maths we have been estimating! Can you tell your family what estimate means? Can you solve the problem below? 

In literacy we are continuing to use our plan to write our factfile. We are working really hard to remember capital letters, finger spaces, full stops and question marks. 

We have been busy baking today, ready for our bake for books sale tomorrow. We had a great time measuring out and mixing the ingredients. We will be decorating our biscuits tomorrow so remember to bring some change to purchase some! 

Our focus in computing this week has been:

We are becoming experts at programming our moving robots! 



Our sketchbooks are looking incredibly bright and colourful as we work through our current art topic inspired by Clarke Reynolds. 

Our focus this half term is:

Below are some examples of our fabulous work… 


In RE we have continued looking at Sikhism. This week we looked at a video diary of a Sikh girl. We then made comparisons between her life and ours, focussing on family, favourite place, weekends, celebrations and holidays.

You can watch the video here: 

Please continue to look through the phonics videos posted on last week's blogs. If you have any questions then please do ask. 

In maths we have continued developing our knowledge of tens and ones. We have also looked at one more and one less and the number line to 20. 

How quickly can you complete the grid below?

In literacy we have continued our focus on conjunctions and are going to begin editing. We will be looking at capital letters, finger spaces, full stops and some spellings. We will also see if we can make our sentences better by using conjunctions and more ambitious vocabulary.


In literacy this week we have begun writing our fact file about foxes. We have thought of interesting titles, subheadings and what information to include. We are working hard to use adjectives to add interest to our writing and conjunctions to extend our sentences. 

What are conjunctions?

Conjunctions join together two different, but related, parts of a sentence.

They can be words like 'and', 'but', 'if', 'when', and 'because'. For example:

I like swimming and she likes dancing. 

Can you find out an interesting or unusual fact about foxes and write it in a sentence?

In maths we have been exploring place value. We have been identifying how many tens and ones a number has.


Can you have a go at activity one? 

In Science this week we have been keeping a weather journal. We have been looking at the weather and temperature to see if we can spot any patterns. We have begun creating a windsock to measure the strength and direction of the wind. 

In History last week we had a wonderful time exploring our toy museum. We were lucky to borrow items from Chesham Museum and became toy explorers for the afternoon. The children handled the toys with such care and had a wonderful time learning through play.

In computing we are continuing to program a robot to move in different directions. Have you got any robotic toys at home? How do you make them move?



Below are some videos to support your child reading longer words. Click on the link to watch the video. 











oo (look)


Please refer to last week's blog for dates to remember.



In maths this week we have been exploring numbers up to 20. We are beginning to explore tens and ones. 

Can you complete the chart below?


In literacy we have been writing questions. Can you remember what punctuation we use at the end of a question?

Have a look at the video below for some more information on questions. 

Can you challenge yourself to answer the quiz questions… 

In History this week we are looking forward to exploring some toys we are borrowing from Chesham Museum.  We are looking forward to handling and playing with some toys from the past. We will continue to discuss similarities and differences between toys we play with today and those of the past. 



Dates to remember:

Friday 7th February - Number day (Dress as a number) 

Wednesday 12th February - Wear Pjs to school day. 

Wednesday 12th February - Bedtime stories after school.

Thursday 13th February - Bake for books cake sale. 

Friday 14th February - World Book Day dress up 



This week we are practising our number bonds to 10. We are using songs and actions to help us. 

How quickly can you complete the challenge below?

Challenge… Can you use your knowledge of number bonds to 10 to help you identify number bonds to 20? 

In literacy we are continuing to work on writing adjectives within a sentence. Can you use one or two of the adjectives below in a sentence? We would love to see your work so remember to bring it in to show us. 

Complete the quiz to test your knowledge… 

We have started our new computing topic which is computer programming - a moving robot. We are using the Beebots to explore how robots move and how to effectively program them. 


Our first forest school session will be on Friday afternoon. Please send in suitable footwear and clothing. The children are likely to get wet and muddy. 



It has been lovely welcoming the children back and listening to their stories of all the exciting things they have been up to over the Christmas break. 

We are looking forward to another busy term, please check the school website for important calendar dates. 

Our history theme this half term is Toys. We will be looking at how toys have changed over time and are excited to explore some toys that we are borrowing from Tring Museum. If you have any interesting or old toys that you would be happy for the children to look at in class, please let Mrs Bonnick or Miss Vincett know. 

In science this half term we will be exploring the weather! Please can you collect and send in any toilet roll/kitchen roll tubes, we will use these for a science experiment in a few weeks time. 

In literacy we are excited to explore a new genre of writing, non-  fiction. Over the next few weeks we will be doing some research which will result in us creating a fact file. 

In maths this week we are reviewing 2D and 3D shapes. 

We will continue our forest school sessions every two weeks, starting on Friday 17th January. Please send in appropriate clothing and footwear, it is likely to be muddy and wet! 


09.12.24 – 20.12.24

Our final 2 weeks have been full of festive fun.

The children have taken part in carol singing, the school Christmas Fair, decorating their classrooms for the festive period and many more exciting activities in class. 

In literacy we finalised our own instruction writing and have had a go at using adjectives and verbs to describe Santa's workshop and how they would be as elves. 

In maths we have continued to look at addition and subtraction.

Thank you for all your support this term!

Have a lovely Christmas break and see you in the New Year!

The Year 1 team :) 



This week we were lucky to have an extra long weekend, we hope you enjoyed it too!

In literacy we are starting to write our own set of instructions with a focus on the use of imperative verbs (bossy words) and time adverbials (time words).

In maths we are still looking at addition, number bonds to ten and number sentences. We would love for the children to know their number bonds from memory, do question them on these at home as a challenge. 


We have sent phonics letters home with each child, please practice the sounds on your individual sheet. Here are some useful links to support you with this at home.


Special friends

sh -

th -

ch -

qu -

ng -

nk -

ck -

Set 2

ay -

ee -

igh -

ow -

oo (zoo) -

oo (look) -

ar -

or -

air -

ir -

ou -

oy -

Set 3 

Matthew with friends.

ea -

Oi -

a_e  -

I_e -

O_e -

U_e -

aw -

are -

ur -

er -

ow -

ai -

oa  -

ew -

Ire -

ear -

ure -

Thank you for your continued support!

The Year 1 team :)



This week the children continued showing us what super resilience they have when they were given the challenge of answering different maths questions in an assessment style.

In literacy we had a look at some sentence structure and what key things we must remember.

Science we have been looking at materials and the seasons, comparing how Autumn and Winter are different and what makes them different.

In RE the children made some super Diwali lamps, using their fingertips to make them bright and colourful. 



This week the children have been superstars coming up with fantastic ideas for their writing. They had the challenge to focus on the structure of a ‘5 sentence story’, creating their own character, setting and lost item that gets found.

In maths we focused on addition and subtraction and used lots of resources to support our learning in this. 

In science we did a material hunt and we walked around school in groups looking for different objects and the material it is made from.                                                                                               


Can you spot any of these materials at home or when you are out shopping?



What another great week we have had! 

In literacy we have been focusing on independent writing and have been working hard to remember our capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.

 In maths we have been working on our fact families and addition. Can you have a go at the challenges below?

The whole number could be 8, 12 or 16.

This week we have focused on anti - bullying week with discussions on showing respect and kindness to our friends and adults. This year the theme is ‘Respect’

How can we show respect ?

This week in forest school the children displayed the kindest manners and teamwork we have seen so far this year! The communication, leadership and resilience was outstanding as they negotiated around a natural assault course. They did a great job at not letting go of the rope as they stepped, crawled and climbed their way around it.




We are thoroughly enjoying being back at school. We have had a busy week with lots of baking, making, and crafting

We really enjoyed our ‘be bright, be seen’ day where we had a look at how we can be safe near roads. We also learnt about bonfire night and how this tradition started.

In literacy we have started looking at instructions.  We are learning about how we write instructions and why they should be in a specific order. We had a go at following ‘bad’ instructions and ‘good’ instructions. 


In maths we have been working on odd and even numbers. Please keep practising your number formation as we are seeing some super improvements.


In our theme lessons we are now focusing on the History of our local area. The children have had a look at what Hemel Hempstead used to look like in comparison to the present day, as well as how the past can be represented differently. 



Odd sock day - 12th November

Children in need, non uniform day - 15th November



We took Science outside last week. We used chalks to draw around our friend and then label body parts.  We used some fun songs and dances to talk about different body parts.

We ended our science lesson by looking at and handling Miss Vincett’s stick insects. The children absolutely loved this experience.


“I loved it”   

“It is actually sticky” 

 “They felt like a real stick and ticklish”   

“I want my mummy to buy a stick insect” 

“That was amazing, that was the greatest thing I ever did” 

 “That was the best afternoon ever” 


In literacy we have continued our work on adjectives and verbs.  Can you remind your families what an adjective and verb is?

Look at the picture below. What adjectives can you think of?


Look at the pictures below. Can you write a list of action verbs?


In maths we have been doubling numbers and we have introduced part-whole models, here are some examples below. 



Can you complete the blank part-whole models below? Maybe you could choose a door number.



Halloween disco - Thursday 24th October 2024 

Dress as a rockstar - Friday 25th October 2024



We are thoroughly enjoying learning through play. Playing stimulates cognitive development; it supports language development, enhances problem-solving skills and encourages creativity. Our play based activities consolidate and extend our whole class learning and allow the children the opportunity to take ownership of their own learning. 



We really enjoyed World Mental Health Day. We started the day mindfully with Mrs Mortimer who led an assembly. She talked about how we can look after our mental health. In class we discussed what mental health means… it is how you feel, think and behave. We watched Doodle Boy and doodled what makes us happy. 

You can find the Doodle Boy video on the link below…

Can you create a 'what makes us happy' doodle about your family?

In literacy we have started inventing and writing a new story. We are working to change characters within a familiar story. We are continuing to work on consistent capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. We have created some finger space lolly sticks to help us with our finger spaces. 

In maths we have been working on one more and one less.  Can you complete the grid?

We have also been comparing numbers using the vocabulary more, less and equal to. 

Can you use the signs to compare numbers at home? 

E.g. Is your date of birth greater than or less than a family member's date of birth? 



Halloween disco 24th October 2024



Last week we had another wonderful forest school session. We walked the perimeter of the field and talked about the plants and wildlife we could see. Upon arriving at the forest school area we became pirates! We had a wonderful time building treasure chests using natural items. We worked brilliantly as a team to find sticks, twigs and mud to make our chest. We completed the session by walking the plank! Thank you Miss Vincett for your expert knot skills! 



In maths we have been comparing amounts using the vocabulary more, fewer, more than and fewer than.

Can you use the stem sentences to compare the counters/toys?


There are more ____ counters than ____ counters;

there are fewer ____ counters than ____ counters.




Use the words ‘more than’ and ‘fewer than’ to compare.


In literacy we have completed writing our innovated 5 sentence story. We took our time by writing one part at a time, referring to our story map for support. 

Can you write the final part of the story? 

In RE we have continued to learn about Harvest. This week we listened to hymns and discussed what we are thankful for. Can you tell your families something that you are thankful for?


Thursday 10th October. Wear yellow for World Mental Health Day.



In maths this week we have continued to focus on what 5 needs to make other numbers. 

Can you complete the stem sentences to match the pictures?

5 needs _____ to make _____ .

5 needs _____ to make _____ .

We have also been learning to count back and find one less than a number. Can you complete the 1 less challenge below?

a) 1 less than three is  

b) 1 less than 7 is  

c) 1 less than 19 is  

d) 1 less than eleven is  

In literacy we have continued to write our innovated story. We are using the five sentence story structure and our class story map. The children are working hard to remember capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. We are working hard to use our speed sound charts to carefully sound out words. 


In our Geography learning we have been learning the names and location of the four countries of the United Kingdom. Listen to and watch the song in the video below. Can you name/locate the four countries in the United Kingdom? Can you name the capital cities too? 




Last week we had a fantastic forest school session. The sun was shining and the children had a wonderful time exploring our forest school area. The children worked cooperatively to carry large sticks and build mini structures. We had some wonderfully creative ideas such as a skate park made out of sticks!



In maths we have continued focusing on composition of numbers. We have been looking at 5 as part of other numbers. 


Can you complete the stem sentences to match the pictures?

 5 needs _____ to make _____ .

We have also been counting on from any number and finding one more. Can you solve the problem below? 



In literacy we are working hard to write sentences. We are working on consistently remembering capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. We are continuing to practise our story How to Catch a Star and are beginning to innovate the story by making simple changes to the text. 

In RE we have been learning about Harvest festival and how it is celebrated around the world. 

Reminder: Please return your permission slip for our local walk on 23rd October.



In Literacy we start the week writing a 5 sentence story. The story always follows the same structure however the children have the flexibility to use their imagination and creativity.

Can you show your families how to write a 5 sentence story using the sentence starters below?

Once upon a time, 

Early one morning, 




We have completed creating a class story map for our shortened version of How to Catch a Star by Oliver Jeffers. We have also explored verbs and adjectives. 

You can listen to the story here:

Follow the links below to explore verbs and adjectives… Can you complete one of the activities?




In maths this week we have been exploring ways to make 5.

Look at the pictures below, have they made 5? How do you know?




We have also been counting objects from a larger group and representing them.

In computing we are starting to learn how to log on to our Chromebooks. We are using our own individual username and password. This skill will take a little bit of practise but we will soon be able to do it quickly and confidently!

In theme this week we have been looking at physical and human features in our local area. Using the definition below can you identify some physical and human features on your way to school?

Physical features are natural: they would be here even if people weren't. Things like rivers, mountains and seas! Human features are made by people, like buildings, roads and bridges.


It has been wonderful welcoming the children back to school. The transition days during the Summer term have supported the children in a very smooth transition. It has been lovely to hear the children’s summer stories and tales of their adventures. 

In literacy we have continued writing 5 sentence stories. This is something the children became familiar with during reception. The children are working hard to hold their pencil using a tripod grip, carefully sound out to write words and simple sentences and to use a sound mat to help them recall their phonics knowledge. 

Please see the link below for useful tips on supporting your child with holding their pencils using a tripod grip.

In maths this week we have been practising subitising. Subitising is the ability to look at a small set of objects and instantly know how many there are without counting them. We have also been sorting and counting objects.

In science this half term we will be looking at seasonal changes and animals including humans. We will ‘adopt’ a class tree and observe the tree throughout the four seasons. 

Our theme learning this half term has a geography focus. We will be learning about our local area including physical and human features 

We look forward to welcoming you into class on Wednesday 11th September from 3.15 - 3.45pm. 

Year 1 team.


What a lovely last full week of the school year we have had. The children have worked incredibly hard on the last piece of invented writing about a helpful robot. It is clear to see the huge progress they have made across this year, well done!

In maths we have been focusing on time and how we measure it. I wonder if you can time yourself doing different jobs around the house and see if there is anything you can get quicker at.

We are so proud of all you have achieved this year and look forward to seeing you continue to grow as you move through the school. 

Last 2 days next week and then you can have a very well deserved break with your families. 


We have been working hard to use our imagination while creating a plan for our invented information text. We have made up some wonderful and quite amusing facts about robots! We are looking forward to writing our very own information text over the next few days.

We have continued learning about money, adding different coins together to find the total. We enjoyed playing an interactive game. You might like to have a go as a family at home: 

In PSHE we have continued our changing me topic with a focus on two learning intentions:

  • I can identify the parts of the body that make boys different to girls and use the correct names for these.

  • I can respect my body and understand which parts are private.

Following on from our lesson we looked again at the NSPCC PANTS rule. You can find out more information and watch the video here:



In Literacy, we have innovated a text together and had a go at rewriting this, in preparation for writing our own information texts. 

In Maths, we started looking at money and have been practising identifying coins and notes.

We had our very first go at researching this week, using non-fiction books to find out facts about dinosaurs and creating our own fact files.

During Computing, we were challenged to design a space race game on paper and create a matching game on Scratch. We learnt how to use the speed section of code.


What a fabulous week! We thoroughly enjoyed our visit to Kew Gardens and despite the heat the children behaved impeccably. We enjoyed walking down the broad walk while admiring the huge variety of plants. We stopped at the pond to look at the fish before going into the Palm House where the air is heavy and dense with lush vegetation. We walked up a spiral staircase and walked along the balcony at the top of the Palm House. 

We continued our stroll to find the Treetop Walkway, stopping to fill up our water bottles and taking shelter in the shade! We navigated another spiral staircase and enjoyed the view from above the trees.  Despite some children feeling a little nervous they showed great bravery and walked across the wobbly walkway! 

We stopped for lunch under the trees where we had some two legged guests…geese! We took a leisurely stroll to the Children’s Garden where we had some time to explore the amazing park before heading back to school.  We had some wonderful feedback from the children and adults… “This is the best day of my life”. 

Sending huge thanks to all parents/carers who volunteered to attend and to those who attended on the day. We really appreciate your support. 

The children and adults thoroughly enjoyed sports day. It was wonderful to see the children participating with such enthusiasm. Well done for having a go at all of the different activities. 


This week to introduce our new theme of Dinosaurs we made fossils out of salt dough. We used objects to print and then made paint out of coffee to make the prints really stand out. 

In P.E we are preparing for sports day by learning a variety of sports. We are excited to learn new skills and put them into practise. 

In maths we have recapped counting in tens and will be partitioning into tens and ones. 

The children are sitting the phonics screening check this week and are working very hard to utilise their phonics skills. Alongside this the children have been completing reading papers. This is to help develop their comprehension skills. 

Dates to remember:

Kew Gardens Trip: Tuesday 25th June 2024 - Please ensure you have signed and sent in permission.

Sports day: Thursday 27th June 2024



Welcome back, we hope you had a lovely restful half term. 

This week we have started lots of new topics and learning for our final half term of year 1.

In literacy we have had a very productive time creating our very own robots out of clay, joining parts together and adding embellishments. 
We have been thinking about position and direction in our maths lessons. I wonder if you can give your adult instructions using the language we have learnt this week. (left, right, forward, backwards)

We are really looking forward to exploring the country of Jamaican and learning lots of interesting information about it on International day on Friday. (Don't forget to come in Jamaican colours or clothing of your home country)


In maths we have been finding a quarter of a quantity. We have used 4 sharing circles to help us. Can you find a quarter of 4, 8, 12 and 20?

In literacy we have been focussing on sentence writing. We are working really hard to consistently remember capital letters and full stops. We have worked hard to uplevel our sentences using adjectives, verbs and adverbs. 

We have completed our Creating media – Digital writing topic in computing. The children have worked hard to type and edit their work. They are now more familiar with the toolbar and can make changes to the text by changing the font, size and colour. 


Please can you send in a photo of your child as a baby. The children will be using these photos in PSHE so please send a copy rather than the original. 

The phonics screening check will take place the week commencing the 10th June.  

Sports day: Thursday 27th June 2024

Kew Gardens trip: Tuesday 25th June 2024

We hope you have a wonderful half term break. 

Year 1 team 



This week the children have invented their very own losing tales based around the learning we have done on No-bot the robot with no bottom. They have worked so hard trying their best to write independently.

In our maths learning we have moved onto quarters and have discovered that quarters mean something is split into 4 equal groups. We have split shapes into 4 equal parts.

In theme this week we have taken a closer look at artists who base their art around the seaside, creating our own art in the same styles. We have watched a video of people sculpting sand on the beach. Why not have a go at creating your own sand sculptures at home. 

The children have continued to develop their ball skills in PE and are having great fun enjoying the space we are able to have no we can get outside.


It is lovely to see the sunshine this week. 

In literacy we have finished writing our innovated story. The children have done a wonderful job at following their story map and writing in full sentences. We are continuing to work hard on consistent use of capital letters and full stops. 

In maths we have been exploring half of a shape and quantity.

We have been learning about the artist James Rizzi. We have spent a couple of weeks creating art in the style of his work. 

Please remember to send in empty food packaging by Monday.


We have had a great week, it's been lovely to finally have some sunshine.
The children had their second forest school session on Tuesday and had a fun time playing with 'log dogs' and building them shelters.

In literacy we have made some changes to the No-Bot story and started writing our own versions, I wonder if your child can tell you their characters name. We look forward to seeing their finished stories next week.

We have been looking at equal groups in maths, making sure that each group has the same amount.

In theme we have taken a closer look at the human features found by the seaside. Some of the things we found were piers, lighthouses and beach huts. We had discussions about the role each of these features have and if we had seen them before. 

In art we have explored primary and secondary colours and the relationship between the two. We mixed primary colours together to form the secondary colours. Can your child remember which primary colours mixed together make each secondary colour?


This week we thoroughly enjoyed our first session of forest school. We were introduced to our mascot Lupus who guided us across the field to our forest school area. We played some great games to familiarise ourselves with the forest school boundaries. We learnt that if a stick is longer than our arm, we must have a friend or two to help. We spent time digging, moving logs and playing games. We are really excited for our session next week. 

We have spent the week story mapping and internalising our new text, No Bot the Robot. The children have found this story very entertaining! If you would like to listen to the full version, please see the link below. 

The children have been learning to count in twos, fives and tens. We have used songs to help us.



The children thoroughly enjoyed the Easter hunt on Monday, they unscrambled letters to make a word and were rewarded with a delicious Easter egg!

We have thoroughly enjoyed using the Chromebooks again this week. The children worked incredibly hard to remember how to log on. It was wonderful to see the children supporting one another with typing their username and password.  The children completed an assignment on Google Classroom where they were dragging and dropping shapes to create groups. 

We have been solving addition and subtraction calculations by counting on and back using a numberline. 

In literacy we have planned and independently written a set of instructions. The children have worked incredibly hard, using their plans to support their writing. 

Have a wonderful Easter break.


In  maths this week we are learning about volume and capacity.

Volume: The amount of something actually inside a container.

Capacity: The maximum amount that something can hold inside it.

In literacy we are continuing with our instruction writing. We have been internalising the story map and looking at the features of instructions. We have been practising time words and bossy verbs. Can you give your families some examples?
Our computing unit at the moment is data and information - Grouping data. This unit introduces pupils to data and information. They will begin by using labels to put objects into groups, and labelling these groups. Pupils will demonstrate that they can count a small number of objects, before and after the objects are grouped. They will then begin to demonstrate their ability to sort objects into different groups, based on the properties they choose. Finally, pupils will use their ability to sort objects into different groups to answer questions about data.


The children worked incredibly hard on all their assessments last week and showed us the very best of themselves. So really well done guys.

This week we have been making our own 5 sentence story about a character who loses something. It has been great seeing the children's ideas. 

In maths, we have focused on measuring, practising using a ruler to measure in cm. This has proved a little tricky but we are getting the hang of it, making sure we remember to line up the ruler and the end of the object we are measuring is a key part of this.

With it being science week, we have had some very science filled afternoons this week. We have started each afternoon taking a look at a different scientist and exploring what they are best known for and how they have helped the world with their work.  We have completed experiments and artwork based around our science work. We hope you enjoy seeing the work we have done in our showcase Friday.


We have loved hearing stories about the children’s half term adventures, it sounds like you thoroughly enjoyed your week. 

In literacy we have made fairy houses… these are a clue to our next talk for writing text! 

This half term we will be completing writing, reading and maths assessments. These are completed in small groups and over the period of a couple of weeks. 

Please remember to book your parents consultation appointments, we are looking forward to seeing you. 


We have worked hard to edit sentences in literacy this week by adding
in adjectives and double checking we have added capital letters and
full stops in the right places.

In maths, we have been reviewing our subtraction work using a
numberline to support us. It has been tricky to remember which way we
jump on the numberline.

Our D&T project is coming to an end and we have decorated and
evaluated our car designs.

Don't forget it is book week next week, children may come dressed in
pyjamas on Wednesday and as book characters on Friday.


We are really enjoying exploring the weather and seasons in our science lessons. We have made wind and rain gauges to monitor the weather. We have visited our class trees to observe the changes from Autumn to Winter. Our tree now has no leaves, just as we predicted! 

In maths, we are working on one more and estimating on a number line. In literacy, we have innovated our class story, How to Catch A Star. We will be writing our innovated version over the coming days. We are really excited to soon begin planning our first invented story. 

In music, we are learning the song Zoo Time in our Reggae topic. The children will learn to listen and appraise the types of music, compare to other songs and will learn about pulse, rhythm and pitch.



Welcome back. 

It has been wonderful to hear the children’s stories of gifts, outings and family time that they enjoyed over the Christmas break. 

The children have come back to school settled and ready to learn. This half term we will be learning about the weather, making cars, inventing a 5 sentence story and much more! 

Please send in any toilet roll tubes that you have at home, this will really help us with our D&T project this half term.


We have had a lovely time this week completing maths Christmas activities. We have completed a range of addition, subtraction and counting activities, all centered around christmas.

We continued our literacy learning around Mog's Christmas Calamity and the children have been amazing at putting their phonics to good use.

As part of our Christmas door research, Deer class found out that in Poland one of their traditions is to bake gingerbread hearts and decorate them with white icing. We all had a go at this and have enjoyed eating them too!

Have a lovely christmas break!



We are very excited about our Geography walk tomorrow. We will be looking out for human and physical features. 

In literacy this week we have been sequencing the story Mog’s Christmas Calamity. We have continued our work on descriptive writing and introduced lists. 

In maths we have been practising our number bonds to 10 and extended to 20. Can you tell your families all of the number bonds to 10 or 20? 

We had a fabulous afternoon yesterday investigating materials. We were testing which material would make the best bubble snake. We decided that the best snake would be the material that produced the longest bubble snake. Both classes agreed that the sock made the best bubbles. You could try this experiment out at home with different materials. 

We have been enjoying researching Poland and Brazil. This has helped us decorate our classroom door for Christmas. 



In maths we have been learning 2D and 3D shape names. We have played games to help us memorise the names and have started to talk about the properties of those shapes (the number of corners and faces). 

In literacy we have planned and started to write a fact file about bats. We worked as a class to research facts about bats and organised the information into subheadings. Can you tell your families a fun fact about bats?

In science this week we have discussed materials. We went on a walk around school to identify and name different materials. We have also  been preparing for a very exciting investigation! We made some predictions and talked through how we will conduct our experiment. 

Can you find three different objects in your home that are made from metal, wood and glass? 



What a fantastic job the children have been doing at making their very own fox fact files. They have worked hard to remember headings and facts to inform the reader. I wonder if they can recall any of the facts they have learnt to tell you at home?

In RE we are focusing on the Hindu festival of Diwali and this week have listened to the story of Rama and Sita. It is about Rama rescuing Sita from a demon King Ravana with the help of Hanuman and his monkey army. If you would like to learn more about this with your child, the BBC have some great videos.

We will be looking at aerial maps later on in the week and using one to help us navigate the school grounds. Aerial maps are like an amazing birds eye view of what is below. 

Don't forget to check the head teachers newsletters for any key dates coming up.


This week in literacy we have been rehearsing our new text map for Amazing Antelopes. We are building up to writing a non-fiction report. In preparation for this we have been looking at questions and statements and have been practising writing questions. Can you write/tell your family a question? 

In maths we have been learning how to add and subtract using a number line. We have been working on ‘jumping’ forwards and backwards accurately. 

In computing we have continued to use the paintz app. The children are becoming much more confident logging on using their username and password and also accessing their assignments via Google classroom. 

Thank you for your donations of junk modelling materials and bottles. We would welcome some more junk modelling materials. 


Welcome back from half term. 

In Maths we have started looking at the 'subtraction fact families' e.g 9-5 =4   and  9-4 = 5. We have been working hard to use 'part whole' models to support us in creating the subtraction calculations. Remembering to take one part away from our whole. 

We have ventured into the world of non-fiction texts during our Literacy work. We have looked at the difference between non-fiction texts and fictional story books. We have also started to learn our new Literacy text Amazing Antelopes.

Thank you for sending in the pumpkins, the children had a lovely time on Tuesday afternoon decorating them in their autumn theme. We look forward to finding out the winner. 

Don't forget non-uniform day on Friday 3rd November to support our 'Be bright, be seen' initiative. We look forward to seeing your brightest colours!

A small reminder, please could you send in a bottle with the bottom cut off ready for our Science and D&T learning. 

Thank you.


Wk com 16th October 2023 

This week we were very lucky to have a dental nurse come to visit. She explained how to brush our teeth properly and talked about foods that keep our teeth strong and healthy. 

In literacy this week we have been focusing on word and sentence writing. We are working really hard to identify all sounds within a word, we use sound mats and Fred fingers to help us. We are becoming more consistent with using capital letters, finger spaces and full stops and have been amazing at adding detail by using adjectives. Can you tell your family what an adjective is? Can you write three words to describe an object in your house?

We have had great fun comparing new and old toys. We had the opportunity to make comparisons and try out the toys! 

During maths we have been adding by finding the total, we have also been solving addition problems. We are using number lines to help us with our number formation as some of our numbers are reversed. 

We hope you have a wonderful half term.


Kind regards,

Year 1 team


Wk commencing 9th October 2023. 

During literacy this week we have been writing part of our innovated story. We used our story map to help guide us, trying hard to remember capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. We have continued our work on using adjectives to add interest and detail to our sentences. 

In maths we have been learning number bonds within and to 10, we have also been combining all to add together. 

In science this week we have been exploring body parts. We started our lesson by singing head, shoulders, knees and toes. We talked about body parts inside and outside of the body. We made life size human cut-outs by drawing around a friend, we then labelled as many body parts as we could.


This week the children have been looking at using parts of numbers to make a whole. The children have been looking at bar models and cherry models and completing addition calculations to prove their understanding. We have moved on to addition fact families. This is a fantastic way to stretch our maths brains and introduce the reasoning side of mathematics to the children. 


In literacy we are in the innovation stage of our writing. We are working on changing the Goldilocks story with our own ideas and will continue to work on this next week.


In theme we are looking at the differences in fashion from the 1950's to present time. We have also been comparing the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II to King Charles III.


Please remember to check your emails as there have been communications on the upcoming school disco.


Dates for the Diary: 19th October- When I grow up dress up day and assembly








On Wednesday the children arrived at school to a surprise! In the classroom they found a broken chair, 3 different sized teddy bears and ingredients to make porridge. They were able to identify the objects as belonging to the story of Goldilocks and we enjoyed making porridge and having a taste. Later in the week, we began to learn the story in more detail, in preparation for our writing next week. 


For maths we have continued looking at fewer and less. We have used both practical resources and written methods to investigate this concept. 


In our computing lessons we have continued to work on our typing skills, learning to log in. 


In music we have been comparing songs and learning to play a rhythm. The children love clapping the syllables of their names. 


Please remember to send children’s reading books and records daily.





Wow! What a busy week in year 1!


In literacy we have continued working on sentence building, introducing adjectives into our sentences to make them more interesting. 

For maths we have begun to look at addition and subtraction with one more and one less. This will continue into next week.

In music we have been working on clapping rhythms and learning a song for our forthcoming assembly. The children cannot wait to share this with you on the 19th October. 

We have carried on with our learning on childhood this week, introducing timelines and using sentences to describe past tenses. eg, Last year, I went to the beach. 


Congratulations to our award winners this week. You are a fantastic role models to your friends and we look forward to giving out many more awards this term!






Welcome back to our new year 1 students!


It has been a wonderful week, getting to know you and seeing the hard work you have been producing.


Literacy this week has been sentence building. The children are learning to use finger spaces, capital letters and finger spaces with increasing independence. We have seen some excellent examples of children’s creativity when using a sentence to describe a picture.


In maths we have concentrated on sorting and counting. The children have looked at what is the same and different in groups of objects to count them and used tens frames to count items, focussing on selecting a small amount from a larger amount of objects. 


Next week we will continue to build on these skills. 


We also had a spirited treasure hunt on Monday afternoon in the shade. The children were able to find leaves as big as their hands, sticks the same size as shoes, feathers and stones that were round like a ball. 


Our theme learning for this half term is on childhood and the children have been looking at the differences between adults and babies. 


Please ensure that earrings are removed for PE days and a PE kit is provided


PE days:

Deer Class: Tuesday and Thursday

Foxes Class: Monday and Thursday


Congratulations to our award winners for this week. The children have worked so hard on displaying our school values and working hard.





Time to say goodbye! 

What an incredible year! Thank you all for your hard work, determination, enthusiasm and commitment. A big thank you to your families for their support too.

We have loved getting to know you all and supporting you on your journey through Year 1. It is a huge transition from EYFS and you have coped brilliantly. We are excited to see what Year 2 has in store for you all! 

Many thanks for your kind words and gifts, it means a lot to us all. 


We think you're very special, and we just wanted you to know.

This year has been amazing, we’re so sad to see you go! 

We've done so much together, we've laughed and smiled and learned. 

After such an exciting journey, enjoy the summer break you've earned.


Best wishes,

Mrs Bonnick and the Year 1 Team 



This week in literacy we have been reflecting on our time in year 1. We have continued to focus on capital letters, finger spaces and correct punctuation. 

In maths we have been learning about time, we will continue this next week. 

The children have thoroughly enjoyed spending time in their new classrooms, the children came back in on Thursday smiling and chatting about what they had been up to. 

Well done to Anabel, Rebeca, James H and Francie for your awards this week. Keep up the great work.

Next week we will be sending home exercise books. Please remember to bring a bag in on Monday. 

Please check at home and in your child’s bookbag for any Read Write Inc phonics books and library books. These need to be returned to school next week. 

Year 1 team.




It was wonderful to see so many of you at sports day on Wednesday. The children had a great time exploring the different activities. It was lovely to see them so engaged and excited by the different sports. 

This week we have continued practising makaton to sign animal names. We sang songs and re-told the story Dear Zoo using the signs we have learnt. 

In literacy this week we have changed root words by using prefixes and suffixes. Next week we will be completing some short burst writing activities with a focus on punctuation, spelling and sentence structure.

In maths this week we have been working on recognising notes and coins. Can you identify any coins or notes you have at home? Could you play shops and practise giving change?

It was wonderful to hear the children talk with such enthusiasm about their trip to London. The classrooms were buzzing with excitement as they retold events from the day. A huge thank you to Mrs Perry for organising such a wonderfully enriching trip and also to all of our staff and parent helpers who supported on the day. 

We are on countdown… just 2 more weeks left in year 1! 

Have a fabulous weekend. 

Year 1 team 😀



In literacy this week we have completed phonics based activities and looked at the structure of sentences. Next week we will complete an independent piece of writing. We will plan, rehearse and write a finding tale. 

In maths this week we have partitioned numbers into tens and ones, compared numbers with the same amount of tens and ordered numbers up to 100.  Next week we will be completing independent maths assessments. 

We have taken our science learning outside this week, enjoying the shade and breeze under the trees! Our new topic is Animals. We identified some animals that fit within the groups: mammals, amphibians, fish, reptiles and birds. 

Our phonics screening checks are now complete. You will receive your child’s score with their end of term report. 

Well done to Jessica, Max, Jacob and Ross for your awards this week. Keep up the great work. 

Have a wonderful weekend.

Dates to remember:

School trip to London - Tuesday 27th June

Thursday 29th June 2023 - Sports day




In literacy this week, we have focussed on singular and plural nouns. We have changed singular words to plural by adding -s or -es. We have also looked at question marks, exclamation marks and full stops. 

Our focus in literacy next week is using and applying our phonics knowledge to support our independent writing and reading. 

In maths this week we have been learning about position. Using and practising the vocabulary, forwards, backwards, above, below, left and right. Remembering our left and right can be quite tricky. If you get a chance, please practise this skill at home. Today we went outside to complete some races to enforce our learning about ordinal numbers. 

Well done to Finley, James M, Nathan and Isabelle for your awards this week. Keep up the great work. 

Next week is phonics screening week. The children’s results will be published with our end of year reports. 

Have a wonderful weekend. 



In literacy this week, we have written our invented story, using our storyboard. The children worked incredibly hard to write the beginning, middle and end of their very own finding tale… well done. 

After half term we will be focussing on exclamation marks, question marks and full stops and also singular and plural words. 

In maths this week we have been finding half and a quarter of a shape and quantity. This is quite a tricky concept so we have spent time working practically, using sharing circles and cubes. We took our learning outside today and drew large sharing circles on the playground… look out for our maths learning on the MUGA when you come to collect today. 

Well done to Harry K, Ananya, Brie and Rebeca for your awards this week. Keep up the great work. 

Have a wonderful half term, it looks like the weather is going to be kind to us!



In literacy this week, we have written our innovated story. We used strips of the story map, stuck in our book to help us remember and write each part. We worked really hard to remember capital letters, finger spaces, full stops and question marks. Some of us remembered to open and close speech using inverted commas.

Next week we will plan our very own finding tale. We will draw and describe our main character and setting before planning the beginning, middle and end of our story using a story map. 

In maths this week we have used arrays to solve repeated addition calculations. Some of us have explored the corresponding multiplication facts too. Next week we will be recognising half of an object, shape and amount. 

Well done to Finley, Zak, Ross and Ananya for your awards this week. Keep up the great work.


In literacy this week, we have continued to practise our new text No-Bot: The Robot With No Bottom! It has been lovely to hear that lots of the children are sharing their work with you at home. We have looked at repeating words, punctuation and speech marks. 

Next week we will innovate our story, changing the characters. We use our original story map and edit it, this then helps us when we come to write our innovated story. 

In maths this week we reviewed counting in 2’s and 5’s, we used coins to help us. We also worked on recognising and adding equal groups. Next week we will be exploring arrays and doubles. 

Well done to Joshua K, Noah, Liam and Lea for your awards this week. Keep up the great work. 

Have a fabulous bank holiday weekend. 



Welcome back. It has been lovely hearing the children’s stories from their Easter break. We have heard some fabulous recommendations for days out!

In literacy this week, we have introduced our new text - No-Bot: The Robot With No Bottom! We have completed our cold write, this is a piece of writing we do at the start of a unit. We can then compare the independent writing with our final piece. We have started to learn our new text using our fabulous story map. Please check your emails, we have sent the story map home!

Next week we will continue to rehearse and learn our story by heart. We will focus on writing speech and using speech marks.

In maths this week we have been counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. There are some great songs on YouTube to help with remembering the sequence. We discussed multiplication facts too.

Next week we will continue to practise counting in 2s 5s and 10s. Coins are really useful to help with this skill. If you have any at home, have a go at counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. 

Well done to Alex, Kevin, Nathan and Abigail for your awards this week. Keep up the great work. 

Have a lovely weekend.


This week we have been learning about capacity and volume and the difference between the two. We woked practically to explore different volumes, using the vocabulary...full, nearly full, half full, nearly empty and empty. 

In literacy we have written our own report, all about ourselves. We used our plan to help us with our heading, subheadings, did you know fact and picture. 

It was a pleasure to see so many of you on Wednesday for our Year 1 assembly. The children were fabulous! 

Wishing you a wonderful Easter break. 

Year 1 team 


This week we have planned our own non-chronological report, all about ourselves. Next week we'll be writing our reports. We have thought carefully about the heading, introduction, sub-headings, did you know fact and picture. We are excited to see the completed reports next week. 

In maths we have been measuring! We have used standard and non standard units of measurement. We used cubes and rulers to measure a variety of classroom objects. We came up with some important rules to follow, to ensure that we measure accurately. 

Next week we will be measuring capacity and comparing volume and mass. 


Foxes class assembly - Monday 27th March - 9am 

When I Grow Up Day - 29th March - 9am assembly - Children to dress up as your future self. 




In literacy this week we have looked at statements and questions. We discussed and practised what punctuation needs to be used for each. We are continuing to focus on consistent use of capital letters, finger spaces and punctuation. We have also completed some independent reading comprehension activities. 


In maths we have partitioned numbers into tens and ones, estimated on a  number line to 50 and found one more and one less than a  given number. 


On Thursday we enjoyed a fabulous mindfulness session. We learnt some new breathing techniques and discussed how these made us feel. Some of the feelings talked about were.. Calm, relaxed, sleepy and happy.


Next week we will write our innovated non-chronological report, we will also begin to make simple edits to our work. This is a brand new skill! 


In maths we will be starting work on measurement and capacity. 


Well done to Darcy, Blake, Dominic and Rosie for your awards this week. Keep up the great work. 


We are looking forward to welcoming you to Foxes assembly on Monday 27th March and to our joint assembly on Wednesday 29th March. Both will begin at 9am. 



Foxes class assembly - Monday 27th March - 9am 

When I Grow Up Day - Wednesday 29th March - 9am Foxes and Deer assembly - Children to dress up as your future self. 



This week we have worked incredibly hard on an independent piece of writing. We have written a non-chronological report about a fictional place, called Planet Time.  We thought about who would live there and what they would eat and do. We made up some fabulous facts! We are working hard to remember our capital letters and full stops. 

In maths we have completed some independent tasks, we practised using a numberline and manipulatives to solve addition and subtraction calculations. 

Next week we will be completing some reading comprehension activities and continuing our work on Emperor Penguins. 

Well done to Thomas, Darcy, Abigail and Dominic  for your awards this week. Keep up the great work. 

A huge well done to Deer class for your amazing assembly. We are so proud of how well you spoke, sang and danced! Thank you for all of your hard work. Foxes, we cannot wait to see yours on Monday 27th March. 


Foxes class assembly - Monday 27th March - 9am 

When I Grow Up Day - 29th March - 9am assembly - Children to dress up as your future self. 



We have thoroughly enjoyed World Book Week. It was lovely to see so many of you enjoying storytime on Tuesday evening. What a fabulous effort you have all made for your character dress up today. You look fantastic! A highlight of the week was definitely reading and listening to Michael Rosen’s Chocolate Cake poem and making some wonderfully chocolate cakes ourselves! 

In literacy this week we have planned our Emperor penguins report. We will soon be writing our invented non-chronological report. Next week we are continuing our focus on reports and will be completing an independent piece of writing. 

In maths we have enjoyed counting in tens. We have used dienes and songs to help us remember the number sequence. Next week we will be completing some independent maths activities. 


Parents Consultations - Wednesday 8th and Thursday 9th March 

Deer class assembly - Friday 10th March - 9am 

Foxes class assembly - Monday 27th March - 9am 

When I Grow up Day - 29th March - 9am assembly - Children to dress up as their future self.

Have a wonderful weekend.



We have started our new text in literacy, Emperor Penguins. We established that this is a non-fiction report. We have worked hard this week to draw our class story map and rehearse the text. We have used dictionaries to find the meaning of new words and practised writing questions. Next week we will draw a picture and write a caption to match, write some ‘did you know’ facts and then innovate our non-fiction text. 

In maths we have been solving subtraction calculations by counting all and counting back. We have focussed particularly on counting back using a number line. Next week we will be counting in tens and focusing on place value.

We have started our new computing topic: Data and information - grouping data. 

This unit introduces pupils to data and information. They will begin by using labels to put objects into groups, and labelling these groups. Pupils will demonstrate that they can count a small number of objects, before and after the objects are grouped. They will then begin to demonstrate their ability to sort objects into different groups, based on the properties they choose. Finally, pupils will use their ability to sort objects into different groups to answer questions about data.

Well done to Sophie, Joshua, Vlad and Isabelle for your awards this week. Keep up the great work. 


World Book Week - Monday 27th February - Friday 3rd March 

Tuesday 28th February - Pupils to wear PJ’s to school - 5pm bedtime stories at school. 

Thursday 2nd March - Dress as a book character.

Thursday 2nd March - ‘Bake for Books’ cake sale after school

Deer class assembly - Friday 10th March - 9am 

Foxes class assembly - Monday 27th March - 9am 

When I Grow Up Day - 29th March - 9am assembly - Children to dress up as their future self.



We have thoroughly enjoyed supporting NSPCC Number Day. We explored a new book called How Many Jelly Beans. We read the story and estimated how many jelly beans we could see. We were amazed to see what one million jelly beans looks like! 


In maths this week we have been using number bond facts to help with addition. Next week we will be focussing on doubling numbers. 


In literacy we have been writing our invented set of instructions. We are trying hard to remember all of the features! Next week we will complete our instructions and focus on using conjunctions within a sentence.


Well done to Noah, Daniel, James H and Melisa for your certificates this week. Keep up the good work.



This week in literacy we have planned our invented set of instructions. We did this using words and pictures. Next week we are going to write them, we are really excited!

In maths, we have extended our knowledge of numbers, using a number line. We have also compared numbers, ordering them from greatest to smallest. Next week we are solving addition and subtraction calculations using a range of strategies. 

In P.E we have been practising different shapes such as pike, straddle, star and tuck. 

In our theme learning (Childhood) we have begun looking at ‘childhood through the ages, from the 1950’s to present day’. 

Well done to Harry, Anabel, Ivy and Tyler for your certificates achieved this week. We are very proud of the great example you set to Year 1!

Have a great weekend ☺




This week in literacy we have continued practising our instructional text, ‘How to Catch a Pirate’. We have been busy innovating our instructions by changing parts of the text and have finished the week by writing our innovated set of instructions. It was quite a challenge remembering all of the features of the text but we did a fantastic job! 

In maths we have continued exploring ‘teen’ numbers and their properties, partitioning them into 10s and 1s and using number lines to find ‘one more’ and ‘one less’ than a given number.

In P.E we have practised how to carry equipment safely and continued working on moving in different ways and holding a balance. We worked in pairs to create a sequence of movement and balance… it was great fun!

In our theme learning (Childhood) we looked at photos of babies, toddlers and children and put these in age order. We had lots of discussion about how we have changed over time. 

Well done to Alexia, Lara, George and Dominic for your certificates achieved this week. We are very proud of the great example you set to Year 1!

Next week we will be continuing our focus on instructions and create our own set of instructions. We will spend some time planning before writing them. 

In maths we will continue to practise using number lines and comparing numbers to 20.

Have a great weekend ☺



This week in literacy, we have been practising using bossy verbs (imperatives) with our new text ‘How to Catch a Pirate’. The children have particularly enjoyed making up actions to help us remember the words. We have also looked at time conjunctions, making shopping lists and role play of our pirate text.

In maths we have been exploring teen numbers and their properties, partitioning them into 10s and 1s and using part, whole models and number lines.

We have started our new scheme of learning in PE this week which the children are thoroughly enjoying. This is gymnastics. We look forward to introducing some of our fun equipment into these lessons moving forward.

In our theme learning we have started our new topic- Childhood. We have been looking at the journey from being a baby all the way through to being elderly and the children have created timelines to show these changes. We have discussed the increased responsibilities in life as we grow. The children are very much looking forward to sharing their photographs next week and ordering their own lives so far.

Well done to Daniel, George, Oakleigh and James for your certificates achieved this week. We are very proud of the great example you set to year 1!


Next week we will be continuing our focus on instructions and adapting our current text. In maths we will be moving on to using number lines in more depth to create independence and confidence in the children’s learning. 




This week in literacy, we have explored letter writing. We received a very special letter from Ellen the elf and had to respond to her. Our challenge was to use the conjunction ‘and’ and to write a question.

Could you write a letter to a member of your family and post it to them?

In maths we have continued exploring 2D shape names and properties.

Well done Felicity for your excellent work with your independent writing.

Well done to Lottie and Jacob for your excellent effort with your letter writing and patterns.

In computing we have created some wonderful self-portraits using the Paint app. This has been tricky and taken a lot of determination and resilience. We have learnt to use the paintbrush, eraser, fill, undo and shapes tools.

After the Christmas break we will be learning how to write instructions in literacy and focusing on numbers to 20, in maths.



We hope you all had a lovely long weekend and enjoyed the extra day!

We have been continuing to write the story of 'Catch it!' and learning about verbs (action words). We have continued exploring adding and subtracting in Maths. We move on to shape next week. 

In Science we have enjoyed testing materials durability to water. In Theme we have been taking a walk and looking at ariel shots of Hemel Hempstead.



A big 'well done' to year 1 this week for their excellent concentration on their maths tests. We have been looking in English at a new story called,'Catch it!' which they have enjoyed and we look forward to writing our own version next week. We have enjoyed creating digital art in computing and creating art with paint. We have further explored the properties of materials in Science.

'Well done' to Harry in Foxes for his excellent work in Maths and 'Well done' Ananya for her excellent demonstration of good values. Have a lovely weekend with Freddie the Fox.

'Well done' to Alexia in Deer Class for your hard work.


18th November 2022


In Maths, we have continued our work on subtraction. We have solved calculations by crossing out, taking away and by counting back on a number line. We also looked at fact families. Have a look at the video below which explains more…

In Literacy, we have mapped out our new story We’re Going on a Bear Hunt. We have sequenced and acted out the story. We have thought about the characters feelings. During this unit of work, we will be focussing on verbs.

Well done to Harry and Joury for your fantastic work and attitude this week.

Well done to Tyler for your excellent work in computing.

Next week is assessment week. The children will be completing tasks to enable us to identify any gaps in their learning.

We hope you have a lovely weekend.

The Year 1 Team


11th November 2022

Hello :-)

In Maths, we have been solving subtraction and addition calculations using part-whole models.

The webpage below explains this in more detail…

In Literacy, we have completed our work on The Gruffalo. We have written our innovated stories and used adjectives to describe a characters favourite food.  

Today we met together in the hall to talk about Remembrance Day, before gathering outside on the MUGA for the 2 minutes silence. Year 1 were incredibly respectful.


Well done Anabel, for working so hard on your writing.

Well done Hallie for your hard work in Science. 


Next week, in Maths we will be continuing to work on subtraction. We will subtract by crossing out pictures, using manipulatives to take counters away and by counting back on a number line.


In Literacy, we will be starting a new story, with a focus on verbs.   

We hope you have a lovely weekend.

The Year 1 Team

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