
Year 4 Blog

WE 21st March 2025

It's been a lovely week and everyone has enjoyed being out on the field as much as possible between lessons and assessments. We have been really proud of the children for their effort and resilience through taking their assessments this week.

In the afternoons, lessons have continued as usual, with the children learning some fantastic facts about Awra Amba and Addis Ababa in their Geography learning. They have also developed some great photo editing skills in their computing lessons.

In science, children have enjoyed continuing their learning on states of matter with investigations into gases escaping fizzy drinks and chocolate melting.


Next week we will be cooking our basbousa cake in DT. Please confirm any allergies before this. 

Thursday 27th March is our Danceathon. Please remember children can wear appropriate dance outfits to school on this day and please do scan those QR codes to raise as much money as you can for Jupiter!


WE 14th March 2025

We have had a fantastic Science Week this week.  It is British Science Week and we have been spending our afternoons carrying out investigations and asking lots of science questions.  We have carried out practical investigations into microplastics and how we can filter these out from a solution.  The children worked well in their groups to conduct this investigation.  We really enjoyed making gummy bears grow.  We observed, measured and weighed the gummy bears after they had been in a number of different solutions to compare how much they had grown.  Try this at home!  We have taken part in Live Lessons about the sun and also all about what it would be like to be an astronaut (with support from Tim Peake).  We have had great fun and developed lots of our science skills.


  • Monday 17th March: class photographs. Please make sure that your child has their full school uniform for their photos (including ties, jumpers/cardigans)
  • Tuesday: for any children who swim in the big pool for swimming they need to have their pjs for life saving 


WE 7th March 2025

We have had another busy week in Year 4.  It was so lovely to see so many of you at our Parents' Evening appointments this week, thank you for all of your support.

We have continued to work hard on our fractions in our maths lessons this week.  We have been ordering and comparing fractions using our comparison symbols (<, > or =).  We have also been changing mixed fractions to improper fractions and vice versa.  

In Literacy this week we have been learning our model text (a diary entry) and writing character descriptions.  We also did some lovely writing about 2 friends who would do anything to save each other - a video about a fox and a dinosaur.  The children were able to use emotive language as well as write in the past tense.

Next week is our whole school Science Week.  We will be carrying out lots of investigations and learning about a range of scientists.  


Please ensure that children are wearing the correct uniform.  We have a number of children not wearing ties at the moment.  

  • PE kits - the children are allowed to wear their PE kits to school on Wednesday, but these do need to be school PE (not football tops or their own clothes)
  • Friday 15th March is Red Nose Day - the children are invited to wear something red to support this cause

WE 28th February 2025

The children have settled back into their routines after their half term break.  

We have started our new Geography topic this week.  We are learning all about the country of Ethiopia.  In our lessons this week we learnt about lines of longtitude and latitude and where the UK, Egypt and Ethiopia were on a map.  

In DT we are learning all about desserts!  We enjoyed talking about our favourite desserts and learnt about desserts in different countries.  Please could you send in dessert packaging for the children to look in their lesson next week.   We are going to be making a dessert called a Basbousa cake at the end of the half term.

In Maths we have started to look at fractions.  The children have worked hard to be able to write fractions of shapes and place fractions on a number line.  Our work on our times tables has really helped us understand the concept of fractions.



  • Swimming continues on a Tuesday morning for the rest of the Spring Term
  • PE is on a Wednesday 
  • Can you send in any empty plastic bottles ready for our Science week


WE 14th February 2025

What a fantastic way to finish off the half term - Book Week! We have really enjoyed all of our book related activites this week. We have baked and decorated biscuits, worn our pyjamas to school and dressed as our favourite book characters.  In Year 4 we have been reading a book called "Journey" by Aaron Becker.  It is a picture book about a girl with a magic crayon who draws objects that take her on an adventure and she has to create new ways to escape the danger.  We have created our own imaginary doors that lead us to fantasy lands and have drawn our own fantasy birds.  We have really enjoyed celebrating reading and books.  Keep reading over the half term.


  • Swimming continues after half term on Tuesday mornings
  • PE for Year 4 will still be on a Wednesday - children can come into school in their PE kits
  • Reading Bingo - the children have come home with their Reading Bingo challenge.  Try to tick off as many of the tasks as you can over half term


WE 7th February 2025

What a great week we have had in Year 4.  We have worked really hard in our lessons and have taken on some new concepts.

In Maths this week we have been using manipulatives to flexibly partition 2 digit numbers.  We then used this concept to support our work with dividing 2 digit numbers.   We have been working practically with place value counters, whole part models and place value charts.  We have been using our exchanging to share the counters in order to divide.  The children have worked hard to learn this new method.

In Literacy, we have written our own invented portal story.  We were able to use personification, rhetorcial questions and allieration in our writing.  We changed the settings, the characters and how the characters entered the new setting.  We are very proud of the writing - well done.

In History, we learnt about Albert the Great, King of Wessex.  We discussed his title of "great" and whether he had earnt this title through his actions.  The children were able to use a range of sources to find evidence to support the use of the title.  Great understanding of how to use sources of information to support a point of view.


  • Swimming - Tuesday morning.  Please ensure that your child has all their swimming kit
  • PE lessons - PE is on Wednesday afternoon.  Children can come into school in their PE kit
  • Book Week
    • Wednesday is Pyjama Day.  Children can come dressed in their PJs for the day
    • Bedtime stories is from 4pm - 5pm - come and listen to staff reading bedtimes stories
    • On Friday the children can come dressed as their favourite book character
    • The book fair will be in school all week - please come and have a look at the range of exciting books


WE 31st January 2025

We have made it to the end of January! 

In Maths we have been working hard to learn and develop the formal written method for multiplication.  We have a good grasp of this method and used our times table knowledge to support our working out.  Next week we move onto looking at division.

In Literacy we have been working hard to write our own innovated story about entering a spooky woods. The children have been working hard to make sure that they have included alliteration, personification and rhetorical questions in their writing.  Some very spooky and scary writing - well done.

We enjoyed learning about Chinese New Year and learning about the animals linked to the chinese zodiac signs.  We learnt that we are the Year of the Monkey or the Year of the Goat.  What animal are you? 


  • please ensure that children are wearing full school uniform and have the correct PE kit

Upcoming Events

  • NSPCC Number day 7th February - children come dressed as a number
  • Book Fair arrives Monday 10th February
  • Pyjama Day (pupils come dressed in PJs) /bedtime stories after school 12th February - more details to follow
  • Come dressed as a book character on Friday 14th February


WE 24th January 2025

We have worked really hard in our lessons this week. 

In Science we have learnt all about electrical circuits and that a circuit must be complete in order for it work.  We really enjoyed using the equipment and learning all the names of the components.  We will develop this further next week by looking at problem solving circuits and do they/dont they work and why.

In Literacy we have been using personification, rhetorical questions and alliteration to bring our stories to life.  We enjoyed writing scary descriptions using these features.  Some of us got very carried away!

In Maths we have been continuing our work on multiplying and dividing by 10/100.  We are able to explain how the digits move through the use of place value sliders.  Next week we will begin to learn the formal written method for multiplying 2 and 3 digit numbers.

In RE will be learning all about Chinese New Year.  We will be focusing on the animals that link to the celebrations.  Can the children find out what animal they are from the Chinese Zodiac signs? 


  • PE with coach is now on a Wednesday.  Please send your child to school in their PE kit 
  • Swimming on Tuesday - please ensure that your child has all their kit for swimming 


WE 17th January 2025

We have had a fantastic week and have settled back into our routine and expectations.

This week we continued with our swimming lessons.  The children are really enjoying these and have been well behaved.  Some of the children were even able to swim in the big pool for their lessons.  

On Wednesday we had a really fun-packed and exciting Anglo-Saxon workshop.  We had the opportunity to learn all about jobs that people had during Anglo-Saxon times.  We created our own Anglo-Saxon names and had the opportunity to try on some Anglo-Saxon style clothing. In the afternoon we found out about Anglo-Saxon battles and they types of weapons that they used.   We were put into teams and recreated battle cries using shields and spears!  The children had a great time and this was a great start to our new topic. 


  • Swimming - Please ensure that your child has all their swimming kit for their lessons, we had some children without parts of their kit.  Goggles are reccommended for swimming lessons as well
  • PE kits - PE is now on a Thursday morning, the children can come into school in their kits with their uniform in their bags to change back into

WE 10th January 2025

Happy New Year and welcome back.  We have started the Spring Term really well and the children enjoyed being back at school and catching up with their friends.

We started our swimming lessons this week.  The children were assessed by the instructors and have been put into their groups for the upcoming weeks.  The children were well behaved and followed instructions well.  We look forward to seeing their progress over the next few weeks.

We have started our new theme of Anglo-Saxons and Vikings.  The were able to sequence periods of time in chronological order to understand when these people were in Britain. We are very excited about our upcoming workshop (Wednesday 15th January) where we will learn much more about life during Anglo-Saxon times.  


  • ​​Swimming lessons - ​please ensure that children have swimming hats for their lessons and they do not wear earrings
  • PE lessons- we have moved the PE session with Coach this term.  Please make sure that your child has their PE kit in school.  Earrings need to be removed for PE days
  • Reading - please read with your child at home.  


WE 13th December 2024

We have had a fantastic festive week this week.  

In Forest Schools the children worked sensibly and safely during our "fire" session.  The children were shown how to use fire lighting tools to create their own small shell fire.  They showed great determination and perseverance as it took us a while to create sparks and get our fires started.  Miss Vincett created a fire pit and we all enjoyed sitting around the camp fire with a warm hot chocolate.  We have really enjoyed our Forest School sessions this half term.

We really enjoyed our Christmas Lunches, while wearing our festive Christmas jumpers.  This was all topped off with our school Christmas Fair.  It was lovely to see so many families supporting our annual Christmas Fair, we hope that you all went away with some lovely gifts and prizes.  Thank you for your support.

In Literacy this week the children have been learning about the Christmas Truce that happened during World War 1. They enjoyed writing letters from the viewpoint of a solider who may have been in the trenches, recalling what happened on Christmas Day 1914 - including taking part in a football match in No Man's Land.


  • Please send your child in with a bag next week so they can bring home any things that are in their trays/coat pegs
  • PE kits will come home after PE on Wednesday for the holidays
  • We finish school on Friday 20th December at 1:15pm


WE 6th December 2024

We have had a short but busy week at school this week.  The children have been getting very excited about the build up to Christmas.

In Maths, we have been consolidating our understanding of rounding numbers to 10, 100 and 1000.  The children have worked hard to revise this knowledge and can now confidently round 2, 3 and 4 digit numbers. Next week we will be learning about the perimeter of shapes.

In Literacy, we have written our own newspaper style reports about a fairy tale.  We have been using direct speech and relative clauses to enhance our writing.  We have worked hard to write these.  

In Forest Schools this week we were using tools.  Miss Vincett took both classes for this session. The pupils were really excited to try their hand with several woodworking tools including bow saws and sheath knives to whittle and chop wood. The children were incredibly well behaved and Miss Vincett was very impressed with their behaviour.


  • Tuesday 10th December is Year 4 music concert.  Come and listen to the children playing their cornets and sharing music that they have learnt this term
  • Christmas Lunch is on Thursday 12th December.  This is also our Christmas Jumper day, the children can come to school wearing their amazing Christmas jumpers.  We also have our PTA Christmas Fair after school on the Thursday.


WE 22nd November 2024


We have had a fantastic week in Year 4.  The highlight of our week was our Egyptian Day on Wednesday.  The children looked amazing in their outfits and costumes – thank you for all your hard work on these. 


During the day, we learnt all about hieroglyphics and how to write our names using symbols.  The children then took part in a building challenge, building pyramids from sugar cubes.  The challenge came when we asked the children to make the pyramids hollow and remain standing.  The children worked really well in small groups and showed great determination and perseverance in their challenges.

We also cooked Egyptian flatbreads.  The children all took part in making the flatbreads and enjoyed eating them. 

Thank you to all those of you that came to our Humanities Open Afternoon – it was so lovely to share the children’s learning with you.



  • Forest Schools will be on Wednesday again next week.  Please send your child into school in their PE/Forest Schools kit.


The Year 4 Team



WE 15th November 2024

Another busy week in Year 4!  We have been carrying out our Autumn Term assessments this week, working hard to show what we have learnt in Maths and Reading.  The children worked really hard during the tests and tried their best.  Well done.

We also commemorated Remembrance Day on Monday, with many children wearing their Brownies or Cubs uniforms.  We learnt all about the importance of remembering fallen soldiers and the symbol of poppies.  We carried some observational drawing of poppies in Art, thinking about the meaning behind the different coloured poppies.

We have had our second Forest Schools session this week.  This week we focused on art in nature.  The children worked in small groups to create pictures using leaves, twigs and pine cones.   We had pictures of robins, using red leaves for the tummy and also some great picture frames using natural objects. The children worked well in their groups and showed great team work skills. 

Dates to remember:

  • Wednesday 20th November is our Egyptian Day.  This is also our Humanities Drop-In Day (from 3:30 - 4) where you are invitied in to see the fantastic work your child has been doing in their Humanities work 



WE 8th November 2024

We hope that you had a lovely and restful half term - it was great to see the children back again on Monday.  We have a very busy half term ahead, please keep an eye on the diary sheet and emails for any events and theme days that will be coming up this half term.

In Maths this week we have been focusing on multiplication and looking at the relationship between our 3x and 6x tables.  We have been working hard on our Times Table Rockstars and are really keen on turning our heat maps green.

In Theme this week we have been looking at the Geography of Egypt and learning about the difference between the human and physical features of the country.  We have our Egyptian theme day coming up on Wednesday 20th November where we will be taking part in some fun activities.

This week was the start of our Forest Schools sessions.  The children really enjoyed these and were well behaved during the sessions.  They took part in a tree hunt and were identifying trees by the shapes of their leaves.  They also had some time where the children were building dens and working in groups.  

Dates to remember:

  • Monday 11th November is Remembrance Day, we will be learning about the significance of the day and carrying out some art work on Poppies.  We will also be taking part in our whole school 2 minutes silence.  
  • Tuesday 12th November - Odd Socks Day - children to wear odd socks to school as part of Anti-Bullying Week
  • Friday 15th November - Children in Need Day (this is a non-uniform day)

WE 25/10/24

Happy Half Term everyone.  We have finally made it to the end of a very long half term!  We have worked really hard and are looking forward to a well earned rest.

This week the children enjoyed doing some spooky writing.  We wrote acrosstic poems using spooky words.  The children loved this activity.  They built this into a Halloween story, where they entered a haunted house.  The children were able to "free write" - some of them got very carried away and scared us as we read them.

In Maths this week, we have been looking at finding the area of different shapes.  We enjoyed using practical resources to count the area of different shapes. We have also been working really hard on our times tables and are starting to turn the heat maps green.

After half term we have Forest Schools.  We will be doing this on a Wednesday afternoon.  On these days the children can come to school in their outdoor kits.  They will need coats, wellies for outdoor wear. 

Thank you for all your support this half term

The Year 4 Team


WE 18/10/24

It was so lovely to see so many parents this week at our Autumn Term parent's evening meetings.  We hope you enjoyed looking through the children's books and seeing all of their fantastic work so far this term.

The children have been enjoying their Literacy this week.  We have been using our science knowledge of invertebrates and creating a story about the bugs going to The Ugly Bug Ball on the Discovery Garden.  We have used our verbs, adverbs and adjectives to describe how the creatures move, sound and what they might wear to a party.

This week in Theme we learnt all about Tutankhamun and the discovery of his tomb.  The children worked really hard to create a double-page spread all about King Tut and the amazing work of Howard Carter.  The finished reports look fantastic in their books.

Please remember to keep logging into Times Table Rockstars and working on turning the Heat Map green.  

Thank you for your continued support 

The Year 4 Team

WE  11/10/24

We have had a very busy week in Year 4.  We are making great progress with our Egyptian Masks and will be painting these next week.  We have loved the art sessions and look forward to adding the facial features to our masks.

In Maths we have been working on our addition skills and consolidating our column addition.  We will be working on our subtraction skills next week, including use of exchanging.  We will then be applying our calculation skills to solve worded problems.

In Literacy we have worked hard to complete our stories, changing the characters, the setting and the threat in our story.  We have worked hard in using descriptive language to describe our setting and how they move and feel.

Please remember that next week is our class assembly:  Monday 14th October @ 8:50am

We also have our parents evenings next week on Tuesday and Wednesday evening.  We look forward to see as many of you as possible.


The Year 4 Team



WE 27/09/24

A rather soggy week this week but we have still been working hard in all our lessons.

In Literacy we have been learning our text The Wild Girl and have looked at internalising the text through actions and short writing activities.  We have also started our 500 word story, where the children were able to use their imagination to write a story of their chosing.  We look forward to reading these.

In Maths, we have been learning how to order and compare 4 digit numbers.  We have also been learning how to write numbers in Roman Numerals, we use this everyday in our date. Next week, we will be moving onto rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000.

In Science we have been using classification keys to identify different types of animals.  We have learnt the key features of mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds and fish. We will be going on an invertebrate hunt next week.

Thank you for all the donations of cardboard for our Egyptian Masks - we have started to construct these this week.  We are excited to see how these turn out in the next few weeks. 

The Year 4 Team 


WE 20/0/24

It's been another fun-filled week in Year 4. 

In Literacy, we found a secret tent hidden in the Discovery Garden with some clues from a mysterious visitor - it was Wild Girl, our new model text for the term! Both classes had a great time solving the mystery.

In Maths, we have been working on adding and subtracting tens, hundreds and thousands. The children have really enjoyed using the manipulatives to work out some number problems.

We have continued our learning about living things in Science, and about Egypt in our Theme lessons. Alongside this, we have designed our Ancient Egyptian death masks, which we will be making in Art lessons next week. 

Finally, we have been designing our Christmas Cards. If you would like to order copies of these to be printed please return your order form back to school by 28th October.

Have a lovely weekend. 

Year 4 Team



WE 12/09/24

What a fantastic start to the term!  We are very proud of how well the children have settled into their new classes and their routines.  

In Maths we have started to look at Place Value and have been reading, writing and representing four digit numbers. We have enjoyed using resources to show our numbers practically. 

In Literacy we have been learning how to extend our sentences with exciting verbs and adverbs.  We took part in a scavenger hunt to find a range of verbs written on burgers.  

We have started our topic on Ancient Egypt, looking at artefacts that have been found. We developed questions about these objects and thought about what we can learn about life in Egypt at this time.


  • PE days are Monday and Wednesday
  • Reading books have been given to the children they should be bringing this home everyday.


The Year 4 Team



19th July

As we near the end of the term and the academic year, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your continued support throughout the year.  It has been a pleasure to work with you and your children this year. 

We hope you all have a lovely break over the summer.

Thank you once again

The Year 4 Team



12th July

We have had a very busy week in Year 4.this week.  We have enjoyed our week of activities and finishing the term off with a positive note.

On Wednesday we had Art Day.  We focused on the upcoming Paris Olympics as our inspiration.  We took part in a carousel of activities with teachers in Years 3 and 4 throughout the day.  We learnt about the origins of the Olympic flag and then had a go at designing and making our own flags.  We transferred this into prints, using card and string to create our own stencils.  We also created our own Olympic stadiums, both on paper and then using a 3d modelling program on the Chromebooks.  We had a fantastic day and produced some amazing work.

Thursday was our transition day, where we spent the whole day in our new classrooms. We have enjoyed being in our new classrooms and working with different members of staff. 

In the final days of term we will be learning about coordinates in Maths, writing non-chronological reports for Literacy and completing our Egyptian topic with some independent research.


  • Please send your child into school with a bag each day so that we can start to send things home with them for the end of term
  • PE kits will come home on Tuesday for the holidays

Thank you for your continuing support

The Year 4 Team



5th July

What a fantastic week we have had!  Year 4 had an amazing Egyptian Day this week.  The children looked amazing in all their costumes.  Throughout the day the children took part in a range of activities.  We started the day by learning how to dance like an Egyptian - well done to Mrs Harthill for some fantastic dancing.  We returned to class and completed a challenge of building a pyramid from sugar cubes in teams.  To make the challenge even more difficult we asked that the pyramid was hollow inside.  The children worked well in their teams and showed great determination and perseverance.   We continued with learning how to write our names in Hieroglyphics.  

In the afternoon we invited parents to our Egyptian Museum.  We displayed all the work that we had been doing in our books, alongside our Egyptian burial masks and the work we had completed during the morning.  It was lovely to see so many parents and grandparents visiting and sharing in the amazing work of the children.

Reminders for next week:

  • Art Day - On Wednesday we have our Art Day.  We will be focusing on the Olympics and completing a carousel of activities including printing and 3d modelling on chromebooks
  • Transition Day - the children will be in their new classes all day on Thursday as part of our continuing transition programme
  • PE Kits - please make sure that PE kits are back in school, we had a number missing this week after sports day

The Year 4 Team




28th June

Wow - what a busy and hot week!  We started off our week with Forest Schools with Mr Brown.  The children had a great time making a fantastic den with freshly cut branches and using their weaving skills to make their own natural art work.  The children were well behaved and listened really well during these sessions.

Some children were invited to attend a Science Day at St Clements Danes School with Mrs Gaze.  The children shared investigations about "dancing raisins" linked with liquids and gases as well as an investigation into refraction of light.  The children had the opportunity to take part in a KNEX workshop, working in teams to make rockets.  They also had a science workshop in a real science lab, looking at forensic science.  We also had a science "magic show" where we learned how science can seem to be magic.  The children had a fantastic day and were a real credit to the school.

Sports Day finished off our week.  The children worked hard in their teams and had a great time competing and taking part in all the different events. 

Next Week: Thursday 4th July is our Egyptian Day.  The children will take part in a number of activities throughout the day.  Parents are invited to come and see some of our fantastic work from 2:30 pm in the lodge.  

Have a great weekend

The Year 4 Team



21st June

The sun has finally made an appearance this week!  We have loved being able to go outside in the sun and enjoy the warmer weather.

Thank you for all your hard work in creating the Jazzy Jars for the Summer Fair on Friday - they all looked amazing.  

In Literacy this week we have planned our own persuasive letter to the Big Bad Wolf, trying to get them to change their bad behaviour and not eat people!  We have learnt about using persuasive sentence openers to make our points more convincing.  

In Maths we have learnt all about angles, learning all about the names of different angles and comparing angles of different sizes.  We are going to be looking at the properties of quadrilaterals and polygons next week.

In Science we had a go at writing a script for our own Science Show all about sound.  We had to make it fun to engage children while also getting the science of sound across to our audience.  We will be acting these out in the next few weeks to see how well we would do as TV presenters.


  • Tuesday - Forest Schools.  Children to wear outdoor clothing for their session with Mr. Brown 
  • Thursday - Sports Day.  Children will come home in their PE kits on Wednesday and can come to school in them on Thursday morning.  Children are to wear their house colour tops where possible.
  • As the weather has got warmer over the past few days please ensure that your child has a water bottle in school 

Enjoy the sunny weekend

The Year 4 Team



14th June

We have had a busy week this week.  The children showed great resilience and determinations with their assessments this week, demonstrating all the fantastic learning that they have done during Year 4.  We are very proud of them all.

The children also completed their Multiplication Check this week (MTC).  They have worked really hard on learning their times tables and this was shown in their test.  We do find out the results of these for a couple of weeks.

During our Science lesson we went on a sound walk around the school.  We used a sound meter to measure the quietest and nosiest places around the school site.   The children were able to record their findings using Decibels.  

In Geography this week the children have created their own Power points to persuade people to visit Egypt.  They learnt all about the sights and tourist attractions that you could visit.  Using their computing  the children were able to add images, transitions and animations to their power points.


  • please ensure that your child is wearing their tie each day
  • we have PE on Monday and Thursday next week (change to lesson for this week)

Have a good weekend

Happy Father's Day

The Year 4 Team



7th June 2024

We have had a very busy and exciting first week back.  We were pleased to see all the children after their week off and find out some of the things they had been doing over half term.

In Literacy this week we have started looking at our new text: A Letter to the River Troll.  We have created and described our own River Trolls, using exciting adjectives.  We will be continuing to learn our new text over the next few lessons. 

In Maths we have continued our work on time, learning how to read the time using past/to and also converting between am and pm times.  The children have shown great confidence with this so please keep asking them the time during your time with them.

We finished the week with our exciting International Day.  In Year 4 we focused on Brazil.  The children created fact files about the country and the animals that they can be found in the Amazon Rainforest.  We then learnt about Romero Britto, a Brazilian Artist, and created animal art work in his colourful and bright style.  The children looked amazing in their colours and costumes for our day of celebration - thank you for this.

Next week is another busy week for Year 4.  We are starting the week with our Multiplication Tables Check and then we have Assessment Week.  The children also have Forest Schools with Mr Brown on Tuesday.  

Thank you for your continuing support.

The Year 4 Team



24th May 2024

We have made it to the end of another half term.We are looking forward to a well earned rest before the end of term.  The second half of the Summer Term is always busy with events and fun, including sports day, transitions and in Year 4 we have our Egyptian Theme Day.

In Art this week we have been completing our Egyptian Burial Masks and have completed our evaluation of our finished masks.  They look amazing and we are very proud of the finished results.

In History this week we really enjoyed learning all about the famous Pharaoh Tutankhamun.  We learnt all about the famous discovery of Howard Carter and all the amazing things that were found in the king's tomb.  We were able to share our findings in the form of a double-page spread in our books.  Mrs Armstrong looked at some of our work and was very impressed. 

Times Tables: Thank you for all your support with times tables at home, we have noticed that the children are much more confident and fluent with their recall of times table facts.  The following websites are really useful for practising at home:

MTC - Multiplication Tables Check -  or Times Table Rockstars


Year 4 will be teaching the RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) unit to your child’s class during the second half of the Summer Term.

Please be aware that all content is age appropriate for the year group in which it is being taught. Please click on the following link to view the content on our school website

Thank you for your continued support.  Have an amazing half term

Year 4 Team


17th May 2024


We have had another busy week in Year 4 and there is only one more until half term.

In Literacy we have been writing our innovated story about a mysterious creature. The children worked hard to include many aspects of our teaching such as adjectives, powerful verbs to describe the movement of our characters.  Next week, the children will be writing our invented version of the story, creating our own ending to the tale.

In Maths we have been working really hard on our times tables.  We have enjoyed learning times tables songs to embed our knowledge of 6x, 7x, and 9x tables.  Thank you all your support with times tables at home, we have noticed that the children are much more confident and fluent with their recall of times table facts.  The following websites are really useful for practising at home:

MTC - Multiplication Tables Check -  or Times Table Rockstars

In Art this week, we have continued to create our Egyptian burial masks.  We have been finishing off our paper mache and we are ready to add the decoration and patterns to them.

Year 4 will be teaching the RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) unit to your child’s class during the second half of the Summer Term.

Please be aware that all content is age appropriate for the year group in which it is being taught. Please click on the following link to view the content on our school website

Thank you for your continued support during this half term

Year 4 Team


10th May 2024

We have finally welcomed the warmer weather this week and enjoyed the sunshine.  Although this week was a shorter week, we have still packed it full of fun and learning.

In Maths this week, we have been applying our knowledge of decimals to writing and converting pounds and pence.  Using our addition and subtraction skills, we have also been calculating with money.  

In Literacy we have planned our innovated version of our class text The Night Fairy, making choices about what we will change about the text.  We explored and collected the vocabulary that we will use in our writing over the next few lessons.   

In History this week, we have been learning all about how Egyptian society is organised and the roles of different people within the "society pyramid."  We challenged ourselves to find out more using our research skills of one particular group in society - from the Pharaohs to the slaves.

Times Tables: Year 4 will complete a Multiplication Tables Check in June.  We have been working hard to develop our knowledge and recall of our times table facts in class.  Please practise these with your child at home as much as possible.  The children can use Times Table Rockstars or (MTC) to complete practice Table Checks.


  • Please ensure that children are wearing their ties each day, we still have some ties missing
  • PE Days: Monday pm and Tuesday pm (Cricket)

Enjoy the sunny weather this weekend

The Year 4 Team 


3 May

Wow! May already - where has the time gone?  We have had a very good week in Year 4.

In Maths we have continued our work on decimals, learning about rounding to whole numbers and finding complements to 1 whole.  We will apply our knowledge of decimals to looking at money next week.

In Literacy, we have been looking at our vocabulary choices and developing our understanding of the impact verbs, adverbs and adjectives have in describing a setting and how characters move through the setting.  We will be planning our own version of The Night Fairy next week.

In Science we planned our own investigation all about evaporation.  We linked this to drying our washing on a line and what the best conditions would be for this.  The children worked really well in their groups and were able to use their scientific vocabulary to explain their ideas.

In History we were learning all about how dates are written including events in ancient times.  We looked at some key dates in the Egyptian period.  In Art we have also started to construct our Egyptian Burial Masks which we will paper mache and paint over the next few weeks. 

Times Tables:  Year 4 will complete a Multiplication Tables Check in June.  We have been working hard to develop our knowledge and recall of our times table facts in class.  Please practise these with your child at home as much as possible.  The children can use Times Table Rockstars or (MTC) to complete practice Table Checks.


  • Please ensure that children are wearing their ties each day, we still have some ties missing
  • PE Days: Monday pm and Tuesday pm (Cricket)

Enjoy the Bank Holiday weekend

The Year 4 Team


26th April

We have had a fantastic week this week, exploring some of our summer term topics in more detail.

In Literacy we have been learning our new text "The Night Fairy." We have been focusing on writing descriptions on different seasons using powerful adjectives and personification.  We also enjoyed writing descriptions of a small dragon which we might use in our future writing.

In Maths we have been working on decimals and fractions using tenths and hundredths.  The children have enjoyed a range of activities to embed the placrealle value of these smaller numbers.  We are carrying on with decimals in our lessons next week.

In Geography we learnt all about where Egypt is located and about some of the geographical features of the country, such as the River Nile and the desert.  We will be learning about the timeline of events in History next week and learning how we use dates BCE and CE to describe events in time.  We have also started designing our Egyptian Burial Masks in Art, focusing on how we will construct this 


  • PE kits: we have PE on Mondays and Tuesdays, please ensure kits are in school
  • Ties: a number of children are coming to school without their school ties, please make sure that these are worn each day
  • Class Photographs: the children will have come home with their class photo order form, please order these online by the deadline

Kind regards,

The Year 4 Team




19th April

We have had a very exciting return to the Summer Term!  We have started new topics and areas of learning.  

On Friday 19th April we went to the British Museum to launch our Ancient Egypt topic.  The children took part in a presentation all about Egyptian Mummies, learning all about how kings and queens of Egypt were mummified.  We also enjoyed looking at the many artefacts that the museum had on show.  The children were very well-behaved and were a credit to the school.

In Maths we have started looking at the link between fractions and decimals, writing and drawing these using bar models to support our understanding.  Next week we will continue to look at decimals.

In Literacy were amazed to discover fairy doors in our discovery garden.  We spent some time creating our own fairy doors for other children in the school to discover.  This activity is a hook into our new text "The Night Fairy."

In Art we have started to learn all about Egyptian Burial Masks, we will be designing our own masks using paper mache.  Thank you to all of those who have sent in cardboard and newspaper for our project - please continue to send this in.


  • PE days: Monday pm and Tuesday pm (Cricket)
  • Water bottles - please make sure your child has a water bottle in school each day
  • Art resources - newspaper, cardboard boxes, toilet roll tubes
  • Uniform - please ensure that the children are wearing their ties to school each day - we have noticed a number of ties are missing.

The Year 4 Team



27th March

We have made it to the end of the Spring Term.  What a busy term we have had in Year 4; from Book Week to Science Week, Easter Egg Hunts and William Morris inspired printing.

We have been very proud of all the hard work that the children have put in this term, they have worked hard in all their lessons and have embraced the new challenges that they have encountered throughout the term.

We only have one more term left of Year 4!  We start off the term with our trip to The British Museum (Friday 19th April).  This is to link in with our topic on the Ancient Egyptians.   We are going to be linking our Geography, Art and our Design Technology to our History topic looking at building bridges over the River Nile, Making Egyptian Masks and learning about both ancient and modern Egypt.

We hope that you have a lovely Easter break and enjoy the time with your families.

We return on Tuesday 16th April.

The Year 4 Team



20th March

We have had another busy week in Year 4 this week.  We have started the week with Pedestrian Training which involved learning road safety skills and being able to cross the roads correctly.  The children were very sensible and were able to answer questions about keeping themselves safe.

In Maths, we have continued our work on fractions.  We were converting improper to mixed fractions.  We reiterated that knowledge of times tables would be beneficial when working with fractions as they are very closely linked. Over the Easter break we would like all the children to spend time practising their times tables using either Times Table Rockstars or URBrainy. 

In Literacy, we have completed our unit on writing diary entries - focusing this week on writing as either Buzz or Woody from Toy Story about their adventures in Sid's room.  The children were able to demonstrate a confident use of past tense verbs in their diary entries and enjoyed writing as these characters.

Next week, we have the Easter Egg Hunt and Litter Picking.  We will be sending PE kits home on Tuesday with the children for the end of term.

Please remember that we finish school for the Easter Break at 1:15pm on Thursday.

Have a lovely Easter Break and enjoy some family time together 

The Year 4 Team



15th March

Wow! What an exciting week we have had.  The children have loved Science Week this week and have embraced all of the practical investigations with enthusiasm and passion.  We particularly enjoyed moving around to other teachers and experiencing working in different classrooms.  

In Literacy we have thoroughly enjoyed writing our diary entries from the perspective of the character of Jack - a cheeky boy who enjoys getting into danger and likes taking risks.  The children were able to use informal language to portray the character effectively.

In Maths, we have continued with our work on fractions.  We have been comparing and ordering fractions, as well as looking at learning about the difference between improper and mixed fractions.  We are continuing this next week where we will be looking at equivalent fractions.

Thank you to all those parents who came to Parents Evening this week - it was lovely to see you all.



8th March

This week has been assessment week for the whole school.  The children have worked incredibly hard to showcase their learning in all their tests and have demonstrated how much they have learnt this year.  Well done for showing great resilience during this week, we are very proud of you all.

In Science this week, the children investigated if gas had a mass by testing out a variety of fizzy drinks.  They used their working scientifically skills to carry out their investigations and really enjoyed the activity.  We even finished off the lesson by having a small test of the fizzy drinks!

In DT we have started looking at William Morris and his work on patterns and arts and crafts.  We created a fact file about his work and how he has inspired other artists.  We will continue to use ideas and patterns in our own design making prints.  Thank you for the donations of white material for this purpose.

Next week is a very busy week.  We have our whole school Science Week where the children will be taking part in a number of exciting hands-on practical investigations.  We start the week with a whole school assembly from Mad Science - this will be full of whizzes and bangs!  Each afternoon the children will be moving to another teacher in Year 3 or 4 to carry out fun investigations.  We have a Science Fair on Friday afternoon where you can come and see the amazing work the children have carried out.

Friday 15th March is also Comic Relief Day - the children can come in something red for a small donation.

We forward to seeing you all at our Parents Evenings on Tuesday and Thursday next week.

The Year 4 Team


1st March

Welcome back to the new half term.  We were very pleased to see the children back and enjoyed listening to all their stories and activities that they did over the half term break.

We started this week with some of our children having the opportunity to take part in Bikeability.  They have been learning all about riding safely on their bikes and have really enjoyed the sessions each day.

In Maths this week we have begun to look at Fractions.  We have been counting in fraction steps and learning all about mixed fractions.  Our partitioning skills came in useful when we were partitioning fractions into wholes and parts.

In Literacy we have started to look at our new text - a diary entry this half term.  We used the text to help us build up character profiles using our inference skills to describe their traits.  We will be learning more about writing using the past tense verbs to write recall events which we find in diary entries.

Next week is our assessment week, where we will be carrying out some reading, maths and grammar assessments.   

The Year 4 Team



16th February 2024

What a fun and exciting end to the half term!  We have really enjoyed our Book Week activities this week.  We started the week by baking and decorating biscuits ready to sell at our Bedtime Stories, this was great fun.  We have been looking at the book Journey by Aaron Becker, which is about a girl who goes on an enchanted adventure using her magic red crayon to draw her way out of difficulties. Throughout the week we have enjoyed a number of book linked activities: storyboarding the next adventure, creating fantasy birds, making 3D hot air balloons and designing magical doors that take us to new worlds. The week has ended with the children dressing up in their fantastic book character costumes - well done everyone for all your effort, you looked amazing!

After half term we will be starting a new Science theme on States of Matter, learning all about solids, liquids and gases.  We are looking forward to Science Week as well.

In Geography we are going to be learning all about rivers, how they are formed and all about rivers of the UK and around the world.

Thank you for all your support during this half term.  We hope you have a great break with your families and look forward to seeing you after the break.



The Year 4 Team

9th February 2024

The children have been extremely busy this week!

In Literacy, they have planned their invented setting description. They had a choice of 4 settings to choose from and they spent a lot of time generating vocabulary to use in their writing. Their vocabulary had to include features from our toolkit. They have begun to write their independent piece of writing and these will be completed next week. 

In Maths, the children have looked at how to flexibly partition numbers and how this will support them when completing division questions. Next week, we will be continuing our work on division. 

In Science, the children looked at insulators and conductors. They first predicted whether they thought it was an insulator or conductor and then they tested them. The children were very clear when using the new vocabulary and were able to test the materials successfully. 

This week, we celebrated Safer Internet Day. The children looked at technology through time and how, as the technology developed, the protection needed was also developed. They discussed how technology supports us in our everyday lives and then designed how they thought it would look in 20 years.

This is a gentle reminder that next week we have pyjama day on Wednesday, which will be followed by our Bedtime Story event. We also have World Book Day on Friday where the children are invited to dress as their favourite book character. To also support World Book Week the Book Fair will be arriving today and will be with us in the lodge. 

Thank you for your support!

Year 4 team



2nd February 2024

Year 4 have ended the week with a fantastic NSPCC Number Day! It was wonderful to see them in their number costumes and we thank you for all of your support and effort in this!

In Literacy this week, the children have written their innovated setting descriptions based on a misty woods. It was wonderful to see them challenging themselves to apply our toolkit of: personification, short sentences, alliteration and rhetorical questions so well. Next week, the children will be applying this in their independent application. This is where they will have a choice of settings and create their own setting description. 

In Maths this week, we tackled multiplying 3 digit numbers by 1 digit number and the children showed fantastic perseverance in this challenging concept. They did find our work on division a challenge towards the end of the week so we will be carrying this over to next week. 

In Science, the children have continued to engage well with our electricity unit and were able to predict whether the circuit was complete or not and then tested their predictions. We were impressed with how well they applied their knowledge of circuits to their predictions to justify and most of them were correct!

Thank you for your continued support.

Year 4 team



26th January 2024

This week the children have worked extremely hard with some challenging concepts this week. 

In Maths, they have tackled multiplying 2 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers. They started by learning the informal written methods. They accomplished this quickly and enjoyed multiplying large numbers. They then progressed on to multiplying using the formal method. This method was particularly challenging for the children but they demonstrated fantastic resilience and we were so proud of them for understanding this by the end of the week. Next week, we will continue our learning of the formal written methods but looking at how to multiply 3 digit numbers by 1 digit. 

In Literacy, the children have generated a toolkit for an effective setting description. They have used this to plan their own setting description based on a video and photograph. Today, they generated vocabulary to enhance their writing and use next week whilst writing.

The children were very excited by this week's Science! They worked well to create their own circuits with a lightbulb! They were able to explain what made a complete circuit and drew diagrams of their learning. Next week, the children will develop this further. 

Thank you for your continued support,

Year 4 team



19th January 2024

What a busy week the children have had this week!

The children have astounded us this week with their writing. We have focused on personification and alliteration. The children worked extremely hard to apply these grammar features in their writing and their vocabulary was amazing! Next week, we are going to be looking at how we can vary our sentence openers and then we will be boxing up our innovated version of our text. 

In Maths, the children have worked hard on multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100. The children were able to explain that they are moving the digits and then adding/removing the place value holder. Next week, we will be looking at how to multiply 2 and 3 digit numbers by 1 digit. 

In Science, the children have looked into electrical safety. They had to identify the hazards within a house and then use this information to generate a safety poster. Next week, the children will be investigating how to build a simple circuit. 

Thank you for your continued support,

Year 4 team



12th January 2024

Happy new year to you all! We really hope that you all had a wonderful break!

The children have returned with fantastic learning attitudes this week and ready to start 2024's learning with a bang! They have been particularly excited about their swimming this week and they should be so proud of themselves. The children showcased their swimming knowledge well and some showed fantastic resilience when tackling something that was a bit daunting for them. The children's behaviour whilst outside of school was very good and it was lovely to see their smiling faces throughout - they should be proud of themselves!

In Literacy, we have started a new text based around the book The Tunnel. The children have immersed themselves in learning the text using the story maps and actions. They have worked extremely hard on setting descriptions and this will continue into next week as they learn some more complex figurative language devices.

In Maths this week the children have demonstrated their understanding of factors by creating factor bugs. The children then played a variety of games to deepen their understanding. Next week the children will be multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100 with whole number answers. 

In Geography, we have begun our unit Misty Mountains, Winding Rivers. The children thought carefully about what they would need if they went on a mountain expedition. The children have very creative ideas about what would be important when scaling a mountain. Next week, we are looking at the features of a mountain in more detail. 

Thank you for your continued support,

Year 4 team



15th December 2023

What a busy week it has been in Year 4!  As we approach the end of the term, we have been taking part in a number of exciting learning opportunities.

In Maths this week, the children showed great resilience and perseverance during an area and perimeter investigation.  The children were able to create rectilinear shapes to fit given criteria and were able to adjust their attempts if they did not meet the set criteria.  We were very proud of their determination throughout this task.

In Literacy this week, we enjoyed creating a spine poem all about a Christmas scene.  The children used their grammar knowledge to create verses using correct word classes.

We would like to thank you for your support this week during the Music Concert that our children took part in.  They have worked hard to learn the cornet with Mr Eceles and performed amazingly.  Well done everyone.

Next week is extremely busy.  We hope you are able to join us for our final events of the year:

Monday 18th Dec: Christmas Fair from 2:30

Tuesday 19th Dec: Christmas jumper/lunch.

                               Join us on the MUGA for Christmas Carols from 2:30

Just a reminder that we finish at 1:15 on Wednesday.

From all the Year 4 team, we would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


8th December

Year 4 have begun their Christmas activities this week. They have researched Christmas traditions in Singapore and Austria as part of their Literacy. They then created a non-chronological report based on the information that they had found. We were impressed with the writing produced and this will be on display on our Christmas themed doors. Next week, the children will be creating Christmas themed poetry. 

In Maths, the children have recapped their learning on area and perimeter as this is something that they had expressed was a challenge. This learning will be developed further next week. 

In Science, we learnt all about food chains. The children learnt the correct vocabulary (producer, predator and prey) and applied this when creating their own food chains based on a variety of habitats. 

In Geography, we deepened our understanding of the physical and human features of countries in North and South America. The children used this information to create a poster. 

A gentle reminder that next week we have our Humanities Open Afternoon on Friday. Please join us from 3.15pm and come and take a look at the wonderful your work your child has been doing.

Thank you for your continued support,

Year 4 team


1st December

The children have worked extremely hard on this shorter week. 

In Literacy, the children have written their own invented version of the newspaper article. They based their article around a fairy tale that interested them. This gave them the opportunity to showcase all of the skills that they have learnt over the half term. Next week, the children will be writing a non-choronological report in preparation for decorating their door. 

In Maths, the children have been looking at mental subtraction and addition. They used resources to support them with this and found the bead strings and 100 squares helpful. Next week, we are going to be recapping area and perimeter as this is something the children have expressed as difficult. This learning will continue in more depth in the coming weeks. 

In Geography, the children researched countries in North and South America. 

Thank you for your continued support and enjoy the long weekend. We are excited to have Mrs Saunders from a dentist coming to visit on Monday. 

Year 4 team.



24th November

What a busy week it has been in Year 4 this week!

The children have been working extremely hard in Literacy when planning and writing their innovated version of our newspaper article. We have been impressed with the creativity and imagination when generating their ideas. Also, the children have challenged themselves well to add relative clauses and direct speech to their newspaper articles. They should be so proud of what they have achieved! Next week, this will be extended when they write their invented version based on a fairy tale of their choice. This will enable them to demonstrate independent application of the skills we have learnt this half term and we cannot wait to read them.

In Maths, the children have continued to practice their times tables. We have focused on multiplying by 11 and 12. The children have grasped these times tables quickly. We also looked at the impact of multiplying and dividing by 1 and 0. Next week, we will be looking at mental addition and subtraction and how we can use these in worded problems.

We have continued our learning around the digestive system in Science this week and the children practically created the digestive system. It enabled them to fully understand the functions of the organs in the digestive system and use the correct vocabulary – as well as being lots of fun! In Geography, we looked at the equator and the tropics. The children used atlases to identify countries that lie in the tropics and we discussed why those areas of the planet were hotter than others.

This is a reminder that next Thursday the children are able to come into school dressed as a rockstar for our relaunch of Times Table Rock Stars. Additionally, school is closed on Friday for an occasional day.

Thank you for your continued support,

Year 4 team



17th November

The children have amazed us with their resilience and perseverance throughout our assessment week this week. It was an opportunity for them to showcase their knowledge.

In Geography, we had great fun locating items and places on maps using their grid references. The children used 4 figure grid references and some children challenged themselves with 6 figure grid references. Next week we are going to develop our knowldge of the world by looking at the tropics and hemispheres. 

In Science, the children learnt the body parts of their digestive system. They worked in groups to draw around a child and place the organs in the correct place. The children also learnt the functions of these organs. 

Next week, in Maths we are going to be continuing our learning around times tables with a specific focus on learning our 7 and 11 times tables. We will also be looking at the impact of multiplying and dividing by 0 and 1. 

In Literacy next week we will be writing our innovated newspaper article based around our text - Local Woodcutter Awarded Medal. 

Thank you for your continued support,

Year 4 team



10th November

We wanted to start by saying a huge well done to Woodpeckers for their wonderful and creative assembly. The children really enjoyeed showcasing their talents with you. Thank you to all of the grown ups who attended.

The children's week started quite dramatically with both classes rooms being blocked off by the police as there had been an intruder! The children interviewed Mr Murray about what the police had found and were told that there was a grey wig, cooking apron and a basket of fruit found in the rooms. The children worked out that the intruder had obviously tried to disguise themselves. 

In Literacy, the children have challenged themselves to secure their understanding of relative clauses and used these to describe different characters. The children were then introduced to our new text which is a newspaper recount about Jim Stevenson. Jim Stevenson was the timber merchant who rescued Little Red Riding Hood from the clutches of the terrifying wolf. Next week, the children will be planning their own innovated version of this newspaper recount. 

In Maths, the children have continued to practice their times tables - focusing on 6s and 9s. We have been impressed with how their knowledge has improved in such a short space of time. Next week, we will be moving on to 11 and 7 times tables. 

In Science, the children wrote their conclusions for their investigations. The children were clear which liquids had the most impact on their teeth and were suprised that orange juice had such a negative impact. We discussed the importance of dental hygiene and health. We moved on to discuss the different types of teeth and what each type was used for. 

In PE, the children have been looking at different types of balances in gymnastics. They learnt the difference between a point balance and a patch balance. They then worked in partners to create a short sequence of 5 balances.    



3rd November

What a busy week it has been in Year 4 this week! The children showcased their creative side when decorating their pumpkins and well done to our class winners. The week ended with some brightly coloured clothing and thank you for your support in this. 

In Literacy, the children have been developing their SPAG knowledge by fine tuning their use of dialogue punctuation. They were also introduced to relative clauses which was a challenging concept for the children to grasp and they showed fantastic resilience. 

In Maths, the focus has been times tables. The children spent time recapping their 3 times tables before moving on to their 6s. The children learnt songs, played games and created arrays to show their knowledge. Please try and practice these at home. 

In Science, we have begun our new topic - Animals including humans. The children have planned their own investigation on teeth. They have placed eggs in a variety of different liquidss and will be spending the next few days observing the effects these liquids have on the egg. 

A gentle reminder that it is Woodpeckers class assembly on Monday 6th November. The children have worked extremely hard this week and cannot wait to amaze you with their work!

Thank you for continued support,

Year 4 team



20th October

We had an exciting start to our week with our Anglo Saxon Day. The children enthusiastically emersed themselves in acting and theatre! The ended the day by holding a real anglo-saxon sword and axe!

In Literacy, the children planned and wrote their cold write - a newspaper article about  the story of the gingerbread man. Their headlines caught our eyes and they were clearly able to order the events. The first week back after half term, the children will be completing som short burst writing to support them in their new unit based around newspaper articles. 

In Maths, the children started looking at area. This is new to them in Year 4 and we were impressed with how well they approached this challenging content. After half term, the children will be looking more at the rules for different times tables so any practice the children could do at home would be beneficial. 

In PE, the children finished their learning on rugby and we will be moving on to gymnastics after half term. Can we remind you that children need to take out their earrings for PE. If they are unable to do this themselves then they need to come in to school not wearing them. 

In Science, the children completed a research project on endangered animals and created fact files about these animals. 

We want to thank you for your continued support this half term and hope that you have a happy and safe half term. 

Year 4 team



13th October

It was wonderful to meet you all this week for Parents Evening. Working alongisde yourselves for the benefit of the children is so important and we thank you for attending. The week started with an important assembly about staying safe on the road - Be Bright, Be Seen. 

This week the children have worked extremely hard on their invented versions of Wild Girl From mermaids and pirates to orcas and monkeys - we have seen it all this week! The children especially tried hard to use our toolkits surrounding developing a character and dialogue. 

In Maths, the children looked at column subtraction with exchange. The children found this challenging but they have made us proud by showing huge resilience. Next week, we are going to be looking at area. 

In Spanish, the children have been looking at naming and identifying fruits and this will continue into next week. 

This is a reminder that we have our Anglo-Saxon workshop on Monday. We are asking that the children are in their school uniform for the whole day. This is also a reminder that it is the Halloween Disco on Monday as well so, if you haven't already, you can book your tickets through Parent Pay. 




6th October

We wanted to start by saying a huge well done to Kingfishers for their wonderful and informative assembly. Thank you to all of the grown ups who attended. 

The children have impressed us with their creativity in Literacy when writing their innovated stories based on Wild Girl. They used the toolkit for developing a character to challenge, extend and improve their writing. We ended the week with the children planning their own invented version. We are excited to see what they write next week!

In Maths, the children have worked extremely hard on using the column method to add. They have challenged themselves with exchanging and met that challenge. Next week, they will be focusing on subtraction.

In Science, the children took part in an invertebrate hunt around the school. The children then created a small fact file on their invertebrate. 

This is a gentle reminder that we have our Anglo Saxon theme day coming up and, if you have not already, this is on Parent Pay.

Thank you for your continued support,

Year 4 team




29th September

The children have yet again impressed us with their fantastic learning attitude!

In Literacy, the children have planned and begun writing their innovated narrative - Arctic Boy. We have been impressed with the children for their vocabulary when developing a character. 

In Maths, the children have focused on rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1,000. They have persevered well as this was something that they initially found challenging. Next week we will start looking at adding - one of our 4 operations. 

The children have really enjoyed making their healthy snack - fruit skewers in Design and Technology. They will continue with healthy snacks next week by designing their own snack in groups. 

Spelling rules for this week were the 'ai' sounds and contractions (didn't, couldn't, won't etc). Please can you ensure you are practicing your times tables daily on Times Table Rockstars or an alternative game. It is essential that the children become fluent in their tables this year.

Mrs Gaze looks forward to welcoming you to her class assembly on Monday morning. 

Thank you for your continued support,

Year 4 team



22nd September

The week started with the Year 4s finding a mysterious tent on the field! They were very interested about who could be living in it and showed some fantastic inferrence. This led us in to our new text in Literacy 'Wild Girl'. They have spent the week internalising the text with actions - please ask them to share it with you at home! Next week, the children will be creating their class innovated version of this story. 

In Maths the children have been looking at their knowledge of number. We have been ordering and comparing numbers and have moved on to the tricky skill of rounding. The children found practical number lines and bead strings helpful when rounding to the nearest 10. Next week we will be developing this further by rounding to the nearest 100.

In Computing, we have been continuing to look at computer networks, roouters and the world wide web. The children were shocked to hear that older mobile phones did not have access to the internet and that you couldn't connect to friends on older consoles. We know a lot of them came home to ask you questions as they fed back their knowledge in school. 

In Design and Technology, the children have created their own piece of food packaging. They used a net to contruct it. Although challenging, the children's final designs look wonderful. 

As a school we have reflected on how we deliver spellings. The children will now be having 3 spelling lessons a week in school instead of spellings sent home and spelling tests. You are more than welcome to practice each rule at home to secure their understanding. This week we have been looking at the suffixes: '-s', '-es', ‘-er’, ‘-ed’ and ‘-ing’ and the prefixes 'dis-', 'mis-' and 'un-'. We have explored these rules and how the root word does not change when adding them. 

This is just a gentle reminder that Kingfishers class assembly is on Monday 2nd October.


15th September

What a fantastic week in Year 4! It was lovely to see so many of you at our 'Meet the Teacher' event after school this week. It is so important that we all work together to support the children.

The children have shown such resilience in Literacy this week as we tackled the challenge of dialogue. This is a specifically challenging topic as there are so many rules and so much punctuation to include! Next week, we will be starting oour first Talk for Writing fiction unit. By the end of the week they should be able to orally retell the whole story - make sure you test them at home!

In Maths, we have been looking at place value - up  to 10,000! The children have worked extremely hard to build numbers with place value counters and base 1 equipment. They then partitioned and then flexibly partitioned the numbers. We were impressed with how well they represented their learning through drawing pictures and writing the number sentences. Next week, they will be looking at rounding numbers. 

Thank you to all of the parents who supported us in Design and Technology this week and donated their empty food packaging. The children had lots of fun exploring what they all meant. Next week, they will be looking at how to construct nets and designing their own packaging. 

This is just a reminder to make sure your child brings in their reading book and record every day. Homework is daily reading as well as practicing tehir timestables on Times Table Rockstars. Your child should know their log in but if they are unsure then don't hesitate to ask us. 

Have a fantastic weekend

Year 4 team


8th September

Welcome back! It has been wonderful to be reunited with the children after the 6 weeks holiday. The children have come back in to school ready and eager to learn. 

The week started with Year 4 being invaded by Year 5. The children spent a long time processing their emotions following this ordeal and they then used this to write a diary entry about the event. The children impressed us with their emotive entries. 

Some gentle reminders:

- children need to bring in water bottles every day

- children need to bring in their reading books and records every day

- PE is on a Monday and a Thursday 

As a school, we are exploring different avenues with regards to spelling and therefore we will not be setting weekly spellings at the moment. 

We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible on Wednesday 13th September at 3 o clock for 'Meet the teacher'. We are also looking forward to working with you this year.

Year 4 Team






19th May 

What a busy week in Year 4! 

This week in Maths we have begun to explore time, we have looked at being able to tell the time, as well as converting time from digital to analogue. We will continue to explore time in more detail next week. 

In Literacy we have been looking at a warning tale story, we have explored the key features and are building up to writing our own version next week! 

In Science we carried out an experiment, How to Muffle Sound?

We made predictions and investigated the best material to protect our ears from loud sounds. 

Next week, we will be making our final art sculptures in the theme of Ancient Civilisation. We will continue to work on our programming skills in computing.

We hope you have a lovely weekend.

Week beginning 24.04.23

Wow, what a busy first two weeks back. We have started our new topic of Ancient Civilisation. This new History topic will focus on all aspects of the lives of Ancient Sumers and Ancient Egyptians. We are going to be busy researching how lives were during Ancient Civilisation and look forward to welcoming you to our very own Museum in Summer 2.

In Maths, we have continued to look at decimals. We have been exploring different ways to partition decimals and how to round decimals to the closest integer number.

In Literacy, we have started looking at a new instruction text, 'How to Mummify a Pharaoh'. We have explored the features of instructions and we will be writing our own in the coming weeks. 

Next week, in Maths we will be moving onto money and solving money calculations. In Science we look forward to continuing to explore Sound.

We hope you have a lovely weekend.


Week beginning 6.3.23

Year 4 have worked extremely hard on their assessments this week and have used this as an opportunity to showcase all of the learning this term.

In Literacy, the children have written their innovated portal story. We have been extremely impressed with the variety of sentence openers they have demonstrated as this has really improved the quality of their work.

In Maths, we have continued our learning on fractions. The children have shown perseverance in this challenging subject and have secured their understanding of equivalent fractions.

In Design and Technology, we have begun our learning around fabrics. The children were very clear in the differences between fabrics and were able to identify why specific fabrics were chosen for certain items and why others would not be appropriate.

Next week, the children will finish their final assessments. They will also look at adding and subtracting fractions as well as planning and writing an invented portal story.


Week beginning 27.2.23

Well done Year 4 for an extremely exciting World Book Week! You continue to amaze us with your enthusiasm.

In Year 4, we spent the week looking at Roald Dahl’s ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’. The children enjoyed creating their own chocolate rooms which they labelled beautifully. They were extremely creative with their ideas and created some very detailed sketches.

The children also considered their favourite chocolate bars and used this to design their own chocolate bar. When creating their chocolate bar, they also had to name it and create some packaging – well done Year 4!

The week ended with some fantastic costumes and thank you parents for your support in this. The children engaged superbly with our debate on Friday. We considered who was the worst behaved child in the story. The children had to consider the evidence and present it to the class as a debate. The children generated lots of wonderful ideas and we were impressed with their justifications and vocabulary!


Week beginning 20.2.23

Welcome back after half term – we hope that you all had a restful break.

As always, we have been impressed with the hard work that Year 4 have shown this week.

In Literacy, the children have started a new unit on Portal Stories. They have learnt what a portal story is and looked at some of the features of our portal story Elf Road. The children started their imitation after boxing up their story and these will be completed next week.

In Maths, the children have begun their work on fractions and have looked at partitioning mixed number and improper fractions.

In Geography, the children have started looking at rivers. The children have learnt about the different features of a river and have drawn diagrams to show their understanding. We were extremely impressed with how well they coped with the technical vocabulary in this lesson.  

Well done to Year 4 for a fantastic start to the half term and we know you will keep it up!


Week beginning 6.2.23

This week has been very busy for Year 4. They celebrated Safer Internet Day by looking at how to stay safe online. They also looked at mental health for Children's mental health week. We were also lucky enough to be visited by The Dogs Trust who explained to the children how to care for their dogs and how to stay safe around dogs.

In Literacy, the children finished their final piece of persuasive writing and then spent some time focusing on SPAG. 

In Maths, the children looked at what regular and irregular polygons were and then calculated the perimeter of those shapes. 

In Geography, this week the children used Atlases to research the mountain ranges of the world. 

Well done to Year 4 for all of their hard work this half term and we wish you a fantastic half term holiday.


Week beginning 30.1.23

This week the children have worked hard in Literacy and have begun writing their persuasive letters about walking to school. It has been lovely to see how much their persuasive writing has improved over this topic. They have also eagerly handed their letters in to Mrs Armstrong and are awaiting a reply about whether Jupiter should ban school uniform.

In Maths, they have been looking at converting units of measure. The children also took part NSPCCs Number Day. Thank you parents for your support in this event. The children created bar charts looking at their favourite flavour of jelly bean. They also solved and wrote some riddles about coloured jelly beans in a jar. Their afternoon involved a STEM activity where they built towers out of jelly beans and cocktail sticks. They also created their own Kandinsky style piece of artwork.

In Geography, the children looked at mountains within the UK and used atlases to identify them. Next week they will look at mountains around the world.

Next week, Year 4 will be completing their final piece of work in their persuasion unit . In Maths, they will be looking at perimeter of shapes. 


Week beginning 23.1.23

This week the children have worked hard in Literacy, completing the final drafts of their letters to Mrs Armstrong, to persuade her that children should not have to wear school uniform!

In Guided Reading, we have been reading Bill's New Frock and the class have been working on predictions. 

With the coach in PE this term, the children are doing dance and have been getting creative, choreographing their own dance routines. 

In RE we have been learning about the traditions within the Sikh religion.

The children have been exploring wool in Art and will move onto learning how to weave.

Next week, Year 4 will be focusing on writing a persuasive speech and will move onto writing their own persuasive text on a subject of their choice. In Maths, they will be learning about length and perimeter.

* Please remember to encourage your children to read frequently at home. This could be their reading book, library book or a book from home. It could also include a magazine or comic of their choice.

* The websites below are all great at supporting children to develop and practise their Maths and Literacy skills.


Week beginning 16.1.23

This week in Literacy, we have been basing our learning on saving the Amazon rainforest. We have identified features like modal verbs, rhetorical questions and emphasising conjunctions. We are working towards writing a persuasive letter next week.

In Maths, we have been working on division and multiplication and the link between multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000. Next week, we will be moving on to solving word problems using multiplication. 

In Science, we have been learning about tooth decay. We carried out an investigation using boiled eggs that were placed into 5 different liquids. We observed what happened to the shells after one week. We discovered that the liquids that made the biggest change to the shell were orange juice and coke. The shells represented what happens to our teeth. Orange juice and coke are not good for our teeth! We must all remember to clean our teeth twice a day. Next week, we will move onto learning about different types of teeth and their function.

We have started a new topic called Misty Mountains, Winding Rivers. We have looked at what we would need if we were to go on a trip up a mountain and we have also identifed the features of a mountain. We will be moving on to look at different types of mountains next week. 

Enjoy your weekend,

Year 4 Team 


Week beginning 28/11/2022

This week in Literacy we have focused on a new text, Catch it. They children have described the characters and the setting. We then wrote our own version of the story, using relative clauses, expanded noun phrases and conjunctions to make our writing more interesting.
In Maths we have been looking at division and how this can help us solve multiplication. The children have worked really hard and it has really showed when sitting their timetables tests in class.
In PSHE we have discussed the importance of having a happy mind and activities we can do to help us achieve this. The children came up with some fantastic ideas, yoga, colouring, spending time with friends and family and many more.
Next week in Literacy we are becoming spies! We have a new text to focus on ‘Mission Possible’, we will be looking at how to create suspense in our writing.
In maths we will be looking at how to calculate the perimeter of a shape.
In History we will be moving on from Anglo-Saxons to Vikings. We will explore where they came from, who they were and when they invaded.  
Have a fantastic weekend.
The Year 4 Team. 


Week beginning 14.11.22

This week in Literacy we have looked at the story Little Red Riding Hood. We have been focusing on recounts in the form of a newspaper. See if your child can retell you the story using our actions.

In Maths this week we have continued to look at multiplication and division particularly focusing our 11 and 12 timetables.

In Design and Technology we have looked at different food packaging and created our own. We had to look at the features such as barcodes, nutritional information and brands.

Next week we will continue to look at recounts in the form of a newspaper. We will be working on our skills building up to our hot write. 

Thank you for your continued support.

Have a lovely weekend. 

The Year 4 Team